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LOOT Warnings


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I need some help with loot every time i open loot i get this: You have not sorted your load order this session. is this normal ?????

Edited by lucifer1978
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I did clicked the "Sort Plugins on first run but when i close and reopen loot the warning is still there i don't understand is there anything else that i need to do ?????

Edited by lucifer1978
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It is just a reminder that for this particular session of LOOT the load order has not been sorted. If you haven't added mods or removed mods since the last time you sorted the order with LOOT, you do not need to sort the plugins again. And even if you did sort the plugins again, there shouldn't be any change made to the order unless LOOT's master list has been updated or the sorting algorithm changed in some way. Again it is just a reminder rather than a dire warning. You do not have to sort every time you load LOOT.

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