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Where are all the HUD textures?


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Specifically I just want to remove the flashlight icon as it's completely unnecessary having one. I tried editing the HUDMenu.swf using JPEXS to move the icon off the screen (change it's Y coord) but this didn't seem to work so I figured I would just find the texture and erase it/blank it out instead - but I can't find it, in fact I can't find any HUD textures at all apart from map markers and compass in Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2.


If this were a mesh I'd just edit the mesh in hex to point to a blank .dds texture but the flashlight icon isn't a mesh.

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Anyone know where each HUD element is in the HUDMenu.swf file? I want to move Health widget further into the bottom left corner, the compass to go at the top of the screen with stealth indicator below it. Also move a few other things around too by changing their X and Y positions. I don't know where they are in the file though and JPEXS is really complex to use.


I know there are mods that do stuff like this already but they do things I don't want. I want my HUD elements to stay I just want to move them.

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