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Oblivion crashes on startup


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My mantra when installing (on top of the one at a time rule) is ... install then BOSS then bash and then test.


Start BOSS using the toolbar button along the lower left of the WB window. If you do that then it won't matter what you have for your WB setting for "Lock Load Order". Otherwise if you want to run BOSS from the desktop shortcut set Lock Load Order to off in WB.

Edited by Striker879
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No luck. I tried every option I could find, but no changes to load order. And the orange checks are still there. I don't have a desktop shortcut for BOSS. I thought it was just a part of WB... Edited by ReverendFelix
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Won't be home until Tuesday so I have no access to my gaming machine to see what WB says those orange errors are. If I was at home I'd be reading up in Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both found in the Mopy folder).
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Yeah I read thru the readme's. All it really mentions is the anneal all feature. But that's for installers. I'm dealing with re-ordered masters in my mods list, that's what it says the Orange checks are. Edited by ReverendFelix
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I made a quick image about the "load order vs. plugin's internal master oder" and the orange boxes, if it helps (feel free to grab the image and run):








In case A, the box next to Bashed Patch.esp in the load order is orange. In case B, it is green.

Edited by Contrathetix
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Ok. Got boss, used it, had to re-order some stuff manually. Got all green checks, game still fails to launch. It starts OBSE fine then gets to the "Bethesda" initial screen for a second, then ctd.
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Not sure what to suggest ... maybe post your load order. I'm not much of a load order expert but maybe someone will see something there.


So were you able to launch the vanilla game without problems (and if so then the vanilla game plus OBSE)?

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I'm fairly certain I have a install problem. I may have inadvertently cleaned something I shouldn't have. I appreciate all the help, I really learned a lot. I'm going to do a 'slow way' re-install. Hopefully this time I get it right. Third time's the charm:)
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