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Xbone controller problems


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Hey guys,


I recently had a shoulder surgery, so I have been stuck using a controller to play my PC games. However when I try to play Skyrim, I find that I cannot sprint or shout. It's been awhile since I used a controller but isn't LB supposed to be sprint and RB shout? Regardless, these buttons do nothing, and there isn't anything to map sprint or shout (power) in the controls menu. All of my available actions to map are presented with the exception of the left hand. Ironically if I switch to keyboard I have the actions listed in controls just not when I use a controller. Anyone have any solutions?


Here is a picture of my controls: https://postimg.org/image/5tvi6mckx/



Edited by MrHildebrand
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Kind of late on this but I had same issue. Couldn't figure out what it was for life of me. Searched all over net.


Turns out its the controller.

The very same xbone design i praised on release.

The thumbsticks are blocked between case and bumbers/other buttons. In your case between the bumber stopping it from going completely forward (which lets you run)

In order to sprint.. You need to be running.


If you take off the controller case (if yours has a case) you will see you can sprint again.


What I did was get wire cutters and cut through plastic to give stick space to rotate.

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