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how to drop the current equiped armor


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If you want to just un-equip the armor or weapon, open your pipboy and go to the weapons tab, at the equiped weapon, left click. To drop in on the ground, right click. When you close your pipboy, the changes will occur.

You can do the same for apperal.

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If you want to just un-equip the armor or weapon, open your pipboy and go to the weapons tab, at the equiped weapon, left click. To drop in on the ground, right click. When you close your pipboy, the changes will occur.

You can do the same for apperal.


I have a strange feeling that that's not what he meant? :mellow:


yeah i want to delete the current equiped armor or weapon ... why ? because im trying to find a way to do a item sorter that sort armor without max its health .

the trick that im trying to pull is equip the armor ,check its health then delete the armor

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