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Speech leveling from talking to NPCs


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Speech is one of the hardest skills to raise. It seems like it should go up as you just talk to people. When you ask NPC's topics, your speech goes up a little. Maybe it goes up more when you get to the end of a conversation thread... if that's possible.
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Speech is one of the hardest skills to raise. It seems like it should go up as you just talk to people. When you ask NPC's topics, your speech goes up a little. Maybe it goes up more when you get to the end of a conversation thread... if that's possible.

I completely agree! I think you should get speech experience for getting a quest from an npc, and more experience for talking to them after you've completed it. This makes a lot of sense to me and it would certainly help shorten the time for leveling speech up dramatically! (especially since there are so many quests in the game, hundreds!) :P.

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The only way to level it now is to get a Intimidate, Bribe or Persuade check, which there are not many of and are hard at low lvls, to train in it, or to sell stuff. To get my silver-tongued rogue up there, I HAD to spend a ton of time training. It was very frustrating.
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  • 1 year later...

Bumping this old thread because I was just about to post this exact request, did a quick google search and found this buried gem. Lets make this mod people, it doesn't seem particularly hard to make so how about it :))))

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