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The Mexican Stranger


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I've had this unusual mod idea for a while now, and eventually got around to posting this. So, what does F4 seem to be lacking? Some of the weirdnesss present in previous games. Such as a stranger appearing in VATS in place of the usual gunslinger and whirling a sombrero at his target, accomplishing something before vanishing. Maybe you just did it for the nice hat, or maybe you seek that "wth" moment during gameplay that makes you wonder why you downloaded the mod. Or maybe you loved the Wild Wastelend trait in New Vegas and wanted to see some of that weirdness again.


Long story short, the Mexican Stranger is there to try lending a hand, by whirling a harmless sombrero at things before vanishing with a guitar rift. Surely, there's someone out there willing to undertake this oddity.

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