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Brightness/Contrast/Gamme OUT OF CONTROL!!!

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I have an issue with my game that I had solved, right up until recently. It has nothing to do with mods whatsoever; I know this because the I didn't change anything about any of my mods, or any of my in game settings, or anything in my fallout.ini.



So what happens is, I start up Fallout, and immidietly the contrast on my screen gets jacked up extremely high; so high that everything is either extremely bright, or extremely dark, nothing is in the middle.



I use a flatscreen TV to play the game on. I've checked, and the settings on the TV do not change when I open the game. If I exit the game and head to the brightness/contrast controls on my computer, just touching the controls makes everything go back to normal. However, going back into the game causes everything to immidietly go terrible again.


This change happens before the opening screen for the game even shows up. As soon as I double-click the fose uploader, my desktop is immidiettly effected, with all my desktop icons suddenly becoming really really bright.



I would provide a screen shot, but there's a problem; the screen shot comes out looking normal, so there wouldn't be anything to see with a screen shot.



Like I said, I had fixed the problem previously, though I'm not really sure how, it literally happened by accident after I was messing with the brightness/contrast controls on my computer and on the tv. The problem came back after running some optimizations through tuneup utilities.


I use Game Companion, which seems to have some sort of control over the gamma; however, the problem occurs even if I don't use Game Companion.

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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Since the screen shots look normal that would indicate that the game is rendering properly but your monitor is receiving a bad signal. I assume that your monitor displays okay with everything else except the game. Check your video settings in the game and make sure they match what your monitor is capable of, especially the refresh frequency (60hz on both?), the resolution (whatever your monitor's native resolution is), the color (32 bit, 16 bit?) and make sure the gamma correction in your ini isn't set too high.
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