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Automated removal of armour/weapon crafted mods?


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With 25+ settlements and 30 settlers, rearming and re-armouring 600+ settlers can be a bit of a drag! I prefer to give each settler a 'unified' armour, ie all heavy girded leather, or medium fibreglass combat, or buttressed heavy raider etc. This means doing 2 things.


(i) Stripping down scavenged items of their mods. For example: scavenged studded light leather armour is low grade, and the studded component is better used on a heavy leather armour set, and the light armour scrapped.

(ii) Crafting the now vanilla armour sets with new sets of all the same components, ie all lead lined polymer for a complete outfit of combat armour.


The biggest problem is the time factor it takes to strip down (ie (i) above) every piece of scavenged armour to create full sets.

Is there any mod for doing this better, rather than piece by piece?


Same goes for weapons, but to much less an extent.

Edited by Rhoops
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I feel you pain. I got tired of the effort and just made a batch file to add combat armor and a handmade weapon (requires the Nukaworld dlc) to a settler. Then I "trade" with them to equip the items. I also took their pipe weapons and clothes to scrap later.


Here is the contents of my batch file. I am assuming you are on a PC and know how to make and use a batch command. If not, here is a "how to" from PC Gamer Magazine.


; --- Armor
additem 0011d3c3 1 ; combat Armor Chest
additem 0011d3c4 1 ; combat Armor Right Leg
additem 0011d3c5 1 ; combat Armor Left Leg
additem 0011d3c6 1 ; combat Armor Right Arm
additem 0011d3c7 1 ; combat Armor Left Arm
additem 0011e2c8 1 ; combat Armor Helmet
; --- Clothes
additem 0016892c 1 ; Military Fatigues
; --- Guns and Ammo
additem 06033b60 1 ; Handmade Rifle
additem 06037897 12 ; 7.62 rounds
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Thanks for the reply, a good solution, AND a great link !

No I didn't know how to do batch commands, kinda next thing on the list.

Now I do!

Much obliged for your help.


7.62 rounds too.... I will not be altering THAT! Most of my primary settlements are R91 armed, ie FAL/SLR's, but with poxy 5.56mm booger flick rounds. Changing the R91 to 7.62 would be next on the wish list!

Edited by Rhoops
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