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Nexus Mods Profile

About Rhoops

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  1. Ha ha ha ha ha! With VPN turned on, total Capture failure, time after time, doesn't even get to the stupid roads/signs/buses crap. VPN turned off, a recapture, 2 minute delay... sign in.... 'recapture failure' notification.... another 2 minute delay.... annnnnnnda Kapow! 35 minutes after initially attempting to get into Nexus for the first time in a month since I posted negatively on this thread. Wow Dark One.. you've done such an amazing job on fixing this PoS... (that's sarcasm for the under-performing). So to get here, I've had to give up on my VPN and Internet privacy, or as some 'Hey let's all compromise guys' poster above said: its us privacy firsters problem because we don't do Half Privacy. Thats a bit like half 'vacuum proof' for space suits I guess... Well for any data miner out there, (OOOO ITS only a little wittle nexus cookie, and Dark One SAYS it'll be all lovely forever...) who's benefiting, here some news now the VPN's down, Nexus shortcut deleted, account dead. Fallout games uninstalled. Vast number of less annoying options referred to instead. VPN ON Adblock ON Cookies denied PRIVACY ON Data mining anomaly... discontinued.
  2. Dear Robin Your comment: "Captcha is very effective at keeping most bots (and some humans, unfortunately) out. We think the merits of having it to supplement our security outweight the inconvenience to our users." outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users outweight the inconvenience to our users That my capcha. F**king annoying isn't it. I haven't been on Nexus for a month or so, returned to get Falllout 3 mods to try replaying that. But go through captcha crap every time now? NO CHANCE Its not that they are just annoying, they are facile and indicative of a poor approach to security. I use a VPN for virtually everything, thanks to Google intrusiveness, (oh and its not a generic captcha , you are using Google Captcha- Yay for Mr Corporate) and the captchas simply fail to work when the VPN is turned on. So- boils down to a fundamantal choice: VPN or Nexus? Seriously? My privacy and VPN win every time without question. "outweight the inconvenience to our users" No... you are being complacent and in this instance- totally wrong. You all gone corporate shiny suit sweetie. That's a real turn off in itself. So, sign out... VPN... ON. Can't get into Nexus... ...delete taskbar shortcut to website... Oh well It was good while it lasted. Edit: WTF.. can't even get out of this Forum without Google being told about it... You are taking the piss...
  3. I have major problems with Automatron, to the point of giving up on doing it. I've read it may be to do with Ada's legs!! That rings true for me, because I put her on new tank tracks not the default protectron legs. Others have suggested destroying ALL your robots, because there is a graphics problem with robot builds. Yaaay. Take her home, give her different legs and see if that does anything. Seriously...
  4. I had this start last week, for the first time as you. I did a full game reinstall two weeks ago. No problem. THEN I downloaded the 50mb Graphics enhancement, played an hour with it, thought it was crap, and uninstalled it. That's when the buzzing noise started. The only thing I've done to the game. It did seem to correlate in game to sharp mouse turns, which occasionally used to cause CTD's. So I did the usual new game tweaks including mouse acceleration and I think its better but not gone. Best solution to this and every other of the endless problems with modded FO4.... ? Uninstall and play Pong or Tetris instead!!
  5. Sounds like an existential crisis, PTSD, shell shock, or depression to me. One of Heather Cardin's nice cup of teas, and a sit in ol' Loony Lady's comfy chair in Sanctuary should sort them out a treat. Or just shoot them for cowardice in the face of the enemy. That's the usual military response.
  6. My 'normal' was full game re-install with a new SSD drive when the bloat got to 21 mb. I'm playing in a similar style to your description, excepting Sim Settlements. With about 90 settlement/clothing mods generally. The main problem I had was with the now deleted (Nexus) mod that added water pipes and irrigation, which effectively killed the loading times to unuseability. Hence the SSD. I'm at 22 mb saves at present, and the loading times are from 6-10 seconds to 40 seconds, or endless loading failures about 10% of the time. This is a lot better with the SSD, but by no means good. My CPU/Graphics are about 5 years old, just starting an update, so I assume to get to 40mb saves and still functioning on the way, I guess your system must be more recent and more efficient. This is my third playthrough, and the first was without mods and I got to the end. I seriously doubt I'm going to repeat that with mods. Just too many problems along the way, and the game isn't engaging enough to overcome that. Vault 88 ? Freezing.... is that where you can't walk at more than crawl speed, especially when having to follow that kid? I got that first play through...NO MODS or save bloat. Just Bethesda.
  7. I use Cmd 'disable' a lot when clearing settlements in conjunction with 'Scrap Everything'. I've recently done a new SSD OS reinstall, retaining my previous FO4 Saves, and reinstalled the game. I noticed that at Coastal Cottage, all the previously 'disabled' structures basically the ruined house and dec around the hole; had all returned. messing up my nice new settlement! Today, trying to finish off Automaton, and some abysmal stuttering in the Mechanistic's lair led to a re-instal of my graphics drivers. Now the cmd 'disabled' has failed again in my home settlement. a major pain in the bum bum. Any solutions gratefully received!
  8. The first sign of life in starting Fallout 4 are rad-roaches and electrical arcs in the Vault after you wake up and start exploring Bethesda has provided ample bugs in the game... (!), but I'm using the Contraptions DLC, and there are few options for making big "BrrrfassshooowWWWMM" electrical arcs in your settlement/factory. Tesla guns and the like do them, but has anyone adapted, say just two of the four generator spikes and the arcs from the fusion generator- as a mod? Or does this mean 'copying' game files?
  9. Thanks for the reply, a good solution, AND a great link ! No I didn't know how to do batch commands, kinda next thing on the list. Now I do! Much obliged for your help. 7.62 rounds too.... I will not be altering THAT! Most of my primary settlements are R91 armed, ie FAL/SLR's, but with poxy 5.56mm booger flick rounds. Changing the R91 to 7.62 would be next on the wish list!
  10. With 25+ settlements and 30 settlers, rearming and re-armouring 600+ settlers can be a bit of a drag! I prefer to give each settler a 'unified' armour, ie all heavy girded leather, or medium fibreglass combat, or buttressed heavy raider etc. This means doing 2 things. (i) Stripping down scavenged items of their mods. For example: scavenged studded light leather armour is low grade, and the studded component is better used on a heavy leather armour set, and the light armour scrapped. (ii) Crafting the now vanilla armour sets with new sets of all the same components, ie all lead lined polymer for a complete outfit of combat armour. The biggest problem is the time factor it takes to strip down (ie (i) above) every piece of scavenged armour to create full sets. Is there any mod for doing this better, rather than piece by piece? Same goes for weapons, but to much less an extent.
  11. Montky. Now that sir, is up there in the nominations for the 'best answers ever' category! Much obliged for the direct answer AND answering all the questions I hadn't even thought of asking! This opens up new vistas...(as well as building underground can- obs), cos FH-Lumbermill settlement most of all, but now I'm finding- Vault 88 have major performance lags when you get above about 85% of the vanilla build limit or multiple source lighting. Too much shadowing i guess. I hadn't thought of the 'opening up' concept... now that is fun! Loved that in that big FNV mod- forgot the name, biggest one of all, all underground where you can follow the trails of earlier teleporter guys jumping from Vault to Vault. Boston's a bit too bright for me, prefer to get back underground...! Didn't know there was an 'under-Boston" mod in the works. That might get me onto messing with GECK, like did a bit in FNV, cos the shorter range distances generally ubderground mean the pipe pistol/revolver etc, which are generally pretty useless, but 'fit' the concept, might be worth modding. 10- 20% increase in damage, but kill the range... something like that. Ooops I'm wafflin'! Thanks again!
  12. Doesn't come up in Nexus Search under water/pump/vault variations. Doesn't mean its not there though... Nexus Search is fairly erratic, I tend to do a web search for mods on Nexus! Shame, cos it's a great thing to do. Will try your link. Thanks anyway! .... <Edit> Yup comes up on web search: Vault-Tec Water Pump Unleashed http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17142/?
  13. Using the Vault 88 addon, but want to build an underground vault using the same 'bits' in another settlement. Is there a mod that makes an 'entrance' in the vanilla game- in a settlement obviously, that would be constructable from? I'm pretty sure i recall a mod from FOV allowing something similar to this, possibly the Underwater Home, by Lake Mead. Seems a bit half baked of Bethesda not to include that important little detail for an underground vault construction kit... but heigh ho... who've would'er of have thought- eh?...
  14. DON'T UNINSTAL MODS, DON'T DO ANYTHING DRASTIC!!! I had the Nakano residence bug where at the beginning of Far Harbor the map marker jumps from being within sight of Coastal cottage, to being off the North end of the map and thus impossible to get to. I'll repeat that for those who suffer from poor reading skills.... IMPOSSIBLE to get to, not - 'I can't find it'. SOLUTION: (courtesy of KJ Tailor- https://community.bethesda.net/thread/15680?start=0&tstart=0) 1). Open Fallout.ini located in "My Documents/My Games/Fallout4" 2). Add the following line under the [General] section: bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 3). Save changes and set Fallout.ini to read-only. Done! This allows you to go beyond the normal game restricted north end of the map and find/enter the K. residence. I read somewhere that the residence IS very close, ie within sight of Coastal Cottage (I had 89m from it at one point, where the map marker originally is if you don't have the bug), but I watched my wife continue on the beach route past the 5 ghouls northwards on XBox console, and the residence is in in the exact same place on Xbox as with the above ini tweak for PC. Nice to see Bethesda can't even make their own f..... mods work properly. Fits in with the generally shoddy ethos at every point so far. Hope they do Fallout 5 in the Arizona desert with no features whatsoever, and let the modders fill in the rest... Might end up a bit more professional.
  15. Once an item has been renamed in Crafting, is there a way to reverse this process and revert to the default naming system for a particular item?
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