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Mods by Language


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It just occured to me that some mods in a non-English language are mixed with English mods. Although this site is primarily in English language, it is searchable within other languages. This is an issue since mods created with a language other than the one your game uses can cause issues within the game.


What I suggest is adding a sort of filter (determined by user preferences and within the advanced search) that would screen out mods of an unwanted language. This would make it easier locating mods which are compatible with your language, as well as aiding in those cases when you know a mod in a language exists, but you don't have any other information.


Obviously since the staff may not speak those languages, this is not intended to be an attempt to now support those languages, but rather allow people who speak those langages have a more reliable source for mods. Foreigh language mods will still be uploaded even without any feature, this just makes it easier to find them.

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The Tag Search feature allows you to find mods that have been tagged with a specific language so if you wanted to find all Spanish-related mods, you could easily do a tag search to find them.


This, of course, relies on authors and players alike to tag each file they see with the correct tags based on content.


I understand the request for a filter but that might inadvertently make you skip files that might otherwise have been perfectly acceptable. e.g. animation mods.



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