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Help editing stealing

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I know little about modding and can't seem to change the stealing script successfully. I've opened skill_stealing.nss in the toolset.


All I do is change rank +5/ to rank +25/. I changed the local copy, then did save, compile and export (tried with and without dependencies). When I load a game, it doesn't work right.


Zevran just got stealing4, so i want him to steal in combat. Every target says "stealing success", but no items or coins are ever added. I understand in the 103 or 104 patch, the devs removed stealing from the tactics menu.... did they remove combat stealing altogether? Maybe I'm loading the wrong script? I also see in the patch notes for 104 that they "fixed" the issue of reports of success but no gains. Is there something else I have to edit?


I have many mods installed so I'm thinking this is the conflict, but I have no idea how to find where the problem is or what to do. Combat tweaks... auto loot? All I want is for stealing to be much more successful. Changing cunning would affect his combat damage, which I don't want to change. i really enjoy stealing and was really looking forward to zev stealing from enemies, but it's not working.


Any help is appreciated.

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My fixes occur in sys_treasure_h, which is an include used by skill_stealing.nss. I have to compile skill_stealing.nss, but I don't make any changes to it directly.


Are you using version 1.01 of the toolset? The version of sys_treasure_h that I pulled up did appear to have the Bioware patch fix to stealing. I had to redo it anyway because it didn't fix dog fetching which had a similar problem.


If you pull up sys_treasure_h, can you find several checks of a !bStolen flag? If so, I believe those were put in by the Bioware fix. My fix to dog fetch is to replace them with !IsPartyMember(oTarget), which serves to fix both stealing and fetch.


I'm afraid I know nothing about the tactics menu or changes to it.

Edited by Qwinn
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I don't understand why the game needs the sys_treasure_h file in override as well, but it seems to work now. Since I wasn't sure simply copying the file from the toolset to override would make any difference, I used an alternate copy which alleged to fix the bugs, found here:

I used Nukenin's sys_treasure_h.nss file, as well as ABI_NukStealTacticsFixCDR.GDA to fix the tactics menu. Preliminary test seems to work. Fingers crossed I didn't mess anything else up.


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