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Open-Ended RPGs


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  • 2 weeks later...

while I've only played darklands, both are quite dated by todays standards. Doesn't mean that they may not be fun if you can tolerate them, but makes them rather hard to get a hold of legally. Sadly, there really aren't too many games which allow open-ended gameplay and customization since both of these things tend to require quite alot of evelopment to make them any good. Your best bet might actually to look into the mods of NWN, NWN2, and Morrowind to find your open-ended gameplay. Unfortunately, there are not yet any TCs or extremely large, completed mods for Oblivion, so you're pretty much stuck with the Oblivion world.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's a ton of old games, and i mean old that are opened ended, in a fashion that was well as opened ended as it coudl have been with the computer tech at the time.


The original Bards tale was good and the sequal is not bad, but i woudln't call the 2004 version a RPG.

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Exile 2, Crystal Souls, is hands-down my all-time favorite one. It was like Ultima IV in a way, but it used a variant of the d20 rules system that made for a great deal of character variation. It had it all... massive dungeons, epic battles, engrossing story lines, and lots of unique treasures. Its only drawback is it was written for Windows 3.1. The graphics are... well, you can imagine...
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If you want a game like morrowind or oblivion, just go anywhere, wander around and such, Baldurs Gate is definitely not for you... But if you want the best RPG ever made, you should play Baldurs Gate I and II... there are great mods out there for BGII so you might add some extra spice to your game too :) I played morrowind, oblivion, daggerfall, Return to Krondor (sequel to Betrayel at Krondor), Mass Effect, KOTOR series, Icewind Dale series, neverwinter nights series, but noone gets even close to Baldur's Gate... It may be dated, it may be 2nd edition D&D, but it is the best...
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not to the extent of oblivion etc., but some games that might take your fancy =


The Kotor Series?( 1+ 2), while not 100% free roaming, you do get a huge choice in where you and what your actions will be, it has a great storyline, the sub missions are fun, a few mini games but there well thought out. its star wars which is a big bonus, and you do get the feel your playing in a star wars unvirsed game, even tho its set a long long long long long long long time ago this time. it sports the typical star wars bunch, jedis, lovable robots, funny aliens, gob smacking plot twists ( you truely wont see them comming but they make sense when they do , its great!, ect. both games end after completion.


mass effect, very similar to kotors style, but so much more in depth. you will spend most your time exploring huge space stations and planets, talking to the locals and learning about the universe. now its not very combat die hard unless you just steam roll the storyline, but that's no fun is it ? :P, it features a controllable land vehicle to explorer tons of huge worlds, tons of side quests and mini games, a huge ethic impact ( good or evil ), bigger then any other game ive played to be honest. when your evil in this game, you dnt just get a different ending, the whole game changes for you. with so much lore not presented in boring "read this piece of paper" format ( its done via voice acted conversations etc ), by the end of it you truly have a feel about the mass effect universe and how everything works, you even learn about past civilisation etc, its so rich in content i could go on about it all day. the game ends at completion but gives bonuses to future play through's.


Spell force 1+2, this game is fun in the fact its an RTS. we've all seen generals and commanders in rts's that lvl up and get new skills, but this takes it to a whole other level. what this allows, is you to create a character ( race, class, looks etc ) then start a very in-depth storyline campaign. there's towns you can walk around, form relationships etc, its all there, its birds-eye /3rd person but its very pretty. while your doing all of this, your also building your army, similar to warcraft III ( the RTS's not the crappy online rpg ), it really is fun to play, alot of adventure and the excitement of rushing into battles with your own army behind you is very captivating. this game continues after completion, with options to take your army on-line vs other players.


the games websites for more information, in order of mentioned.=









Hope you find one of those appealing, i know the first 2 are sci fi but they truly hold a place in my heart, 2 of the best game ever created and i know youd love them.

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just to sell spell force a bit better, this would be your typical huge battle =




The guy with sword would be your character that you level up ( it has a nice lvl up system with findable skill scrolls etc, its pretty much impossible to make 2 of the same character un less you 100% retrace footsteps and actions lol )



and this would be your typical small settlement =




all the npcs are very interactive and its a treat to explorer the towns.

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It's a bit of an oddball, but have any of you ever heard of "Hardwar"?


It was an RPG of sorts, certainly open ended, involving flying around a moon settlement making a name for yourself.


Dated, but really pioneering and intriguing.

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