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Battle "simulator" for settlements mod.


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Sorry if this has been brought up, I did some quick searches but was hard pressed to think of what keywords would be used in my idea.


I was remembering some of my best moments from my heavily modded Fallout 3, about the most fun I had was in the mall, a never ending battle between the BOS and the super mutants, BOS troops would spawn at one end of the mall and the super mutants on the other, and due to my games way increased aggro ranges they would slowly wander towards each other and start fighting.


My idea for Fallout 4 with it's settlement building system would be to try and recreate this accidental trench warfare by design.


Have a build able object what would act as a spawn er for a faction or type of creature, the NPCs would spawn at this object and go off in a certain direction, and by placing spawn points in several locations you could simulate a on going fire fight over an area.


There would need to be some sort of script that checked the amount of current NPCs per spawn point so they would not flood the area and crash the game, and allow you to tailor how big of a conflict you wanted.


So each time a NPC belonging to that spawn point died a new one would spawn a set amount of time later.


I don't think any real fiddling with the AI would be needed, as the AI's normal combat routine seems to allow them to freely move around and take cover by player built objects.


Added fun could be had by the player by "changing the board" and moving objects around between fights and seeing this this effected the out come of the battle.


If at all possible the menu framework this mod author used for his NPC mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21866/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D21866%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D5336900&pUp=1


Would be a great way to set up the spawn points, just walk up to it, press a key to bring up the settings holotape and allow you to change the spawn points settings quickly and cleanly without having to explode the build menu with all combinations of factions, spawn rates ect ect ect.


I know there was a mod on nexus that allowed you to spawn random amounts of NPCs to attack your settlements but I don't think it allowed for any kind of automated "looping" of the fighting.

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