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Missing Housecarls

Royce Marcotte

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I have two Housecarls, one in Whiterun and one in Solitude. Missing Windhelm,Riften and Markarth. All requirements have been made and was told by Yarls of each city I was granted a housecal. Have house mods loaded and mods that add clothes to my housecarls. Not sure if Mods are the problem or not. Seam says my file integrity is fine. Hopefully someone can offer a solution. Thank you
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I suppose your troubles resulting of that Housecarl mods, also i wasn't aware it could hit other Housecarls than Lydia.

Have you tried to check out the comments in that mod you're talking about?

Maybe there is someone else who encountered that problem.


Edit: Oh, as a workarround you could try to add your missing Housecarls via console. Just google.

Would be worth a shot.

Edited by Dingenskirchen
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I was wanting to add the missing Housecarls via console but no one will give me the names of the Housecarls for Windhelm,Riften or Markath. I need numbers for them in order to use the console commands. I've tried chat rooms but all they want to talk about are TV shows such as the Simpsons...Seems like they could go to a differant site if they want to discuss television.. Sorry I'm getting frustrated.. Just ask as simple question and I get round about answers. I've been told of all the cities that grant Houscarls which I already knew. The game fixes a bedroom for your Housecarl when your given one by a Yarl after they make you a Thane. I know all that. I'm not looking for a cheat I'm just trying to get around a game glich. Tried uninstalling mods that might effect getting a Housecarl and no help.


Thanks for your suggestion.

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I'm not too sure what the house carl names are but try googling "markarth house carl" etc. that'll give you the names of the house carls you need then in game open your console type "help *name* 0" (without quotations and replace *name* with actual name) then their name will pop up with "NPC:" beside it then just "player.placeatme *NPC code*" that may or may not work idk .. I know lydia doesn't like staying in my house but she chills in the inn for some reason idk why she chills there but I know it's because of the dovakin house mod


Hopefully that helps if you haven't figured it out already >.<

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Thanks yes I found it on Google...used console command but they still do not show up. (bat name) and I have the bat file in my data folder. Oh well sounds like everyone is having problems. Not sure why the creators can't fix them.

But hey thanks for the info.

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Idk there is a lot of screwy things with this game =(

My "vampire" eyes are amber when others are blood red =( plus a lot of other glitches >.< Someone needs to come out with a fix for all these problems xD


Your so right, there are a lot of problems. People are having problems that I don't have and I'm having problems that other people aren't having. Very strange.

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Idk there is a lot of screwy things with this game =(

My "vampire" eyes are amber when others are blood red =( plus a lot of other glitches >.< Someone needs to come out with a fix for all these problems xD


Your so right, there are a lot of problems. People are having problems that I don't have and I'm having problems that other people aren't having. Very strange.

I know xP It's weird, I just want CK to come out so we can make this game the way I was truely expecting it to be (it's still an amazing and my favorite game) but I found it to be a bit disappointing =(

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