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Realworld exposure, hunger and thirst?


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I have about three games on the go, and recently a great innovative start from a wreck on the northern coast, with the main quest done, but the player is a level1 with no perks or anything,a few shouts.

after a few initital near deaths etc, i thought, "something is missing from this game" where are the realworld dangers, hunger, exposure, thirst etc?


i would love to see health depleted if not dressed appropriately in the cold wind, and almost 1 minute to get out of the water and light a fire etc.

also hunger adds to health, stamina depletion, and thirst does, even if there was more gui meters, alongside health and stamina, magicka.

you need to grab shelter within 5 minutes of a snow storm


potions could be made to be less nourishing than food and drink and not forgetting sleep is needed at least 4 hours in a day.


what does anyone else think, can it be done? would this add to immersion, or become tedious?

Edited by Rigmor
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Well..why are there no toilets in this game? Did they take a sh*t in the woods,or something? or does the Dragonborn use the Way of the Voice to sh*t? LOL...
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Well..why are there no toilets in this game? Did they take a sh*t in the woods,or something? or does the Dragonborn use the Way of the Voice to sh*t? LOL...


There may have been some rudimentary toilets, probably a communal latrine, ie a dyke , some possible handrails.

dunno about the shout, oh! doh your being faecesious. LOL...

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