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[LE] Trouble Adding Wings to Custom Race

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So I'm getting into modding skyrim and fallout 4 and partly to help with my general modding skills I've been having a go at making a custom race. The test race I'm using to attempt this is basically a half fairy-like "fey" race with the fairy wings from Anton's Animated Fairy Wings mod as a permanent feature of the race (i.e. they are present permanently, even when clothing/armor is equipped and). I thought the simpler solution would be to use it as a headpart, but I haven't had luck with that as the wings don't play the animation/behaviors. Since the original mod had the wings as the effect mesh associated with a magic effect (I assume this is integral having the animations play) so I attempted to attach them as the hit effect associated with a SPELL form that acted as a racial ability. Trouble is, that doesn't work. Except it does work when I console the 'spell' onto an existing character of any other race, or console it off of a newly created character of the race I'm trying to make and console it back on.


Since apparently it doesn't work if you try to add it through racemenu registering the character, would it be possible to attach a script to the race somehow that adds the 'spell' at a later moment, after the racemenu is exited? I haven't got a lot of experience with scripting yet so I'm not sure if that's feasible or how to do it. Alternatively, is there some way to make the animations work with the mesh if associated as a headpart addon?

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Why not make it a Racial Ability that a Constant Effect? Instead of one that acts like one. & forget about using Head Parts too. Sometimes simple is best, no scripts required. Is there a reason this hasn't been done or tried?


Looking at Mod change Magic Effect from Fire & Forget to Constant Effect make the appropriate Ability Spell, give to the Race. When that fails, think out side the box, not before.


Simple Solutions.




Else for Fire & Forget Magic Effect types, with the appropriate Fire & Forget Spell, on a Player Alias.

Spell Property FairyWingsSpell Auto
Race Property FairyRace Auto
MagicEffect Property FairyWingsEffect Auto

Event OnRaceSwitchComplete()
    actor akActor = Game.GetPlayer()
    If(akActor.GetRace() == FairyRace)
        FairyWingsSpell.Cast(akActor, akActor)

But don't do the second option unless you are 115% sure the first doesn't work. Then check it again. Scripts are a last resort, I think you can achieve this with option one (maybe) but it certainly worth a shot.



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I'll have to look again but I'm fairly certain the magic effect is registered as a constant effect, and the spell is registered as "ability" for archetype or whatever it's called and again, as constant effect rather thann fire and forget. I'll do some more experimenting, otherwise I'll start looking into the scripting option. I haven't really learned papyrus at all yet but from what I can tell based on my other coding experience that code you posted looks like it will do the job at least. Thanks for the info, I'll do some investigating/experimenting and see what happens.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some observations to add to this old and withered topic: By "Racial ability that is a constant effect", I assume you mean invoking the fairy wings as a hit effect art on a magic effect that is listed as a constant effect, and attached to a spell that is listed as an ability that is then applied to the RACE form as a racial ability. This is what I've had, so that does not work. My hypothesis as to why is that the hit effect art doesn't play nice with the racemenu in-game, and thus does not load when switching to the fairyrace. Here's my reasoning:


1) I at first assumed it was not working because the racial ability wasn't added properly. To verify this, I attempted to add the racial ability manually via the addspell console command. This does not work since the game is convined I already have the spell, indicating that the RACE form is adding the spell properly.


2) Then I used removespell and addspell in succession to add it, to see if it works at all. When this happens, the fairy wings are properly added, meaning that the racial ability itself works as intended.


Now hang on a minute! By points 1) and 2), we can glean that the racial ability works as intended, and is being added properly. So how does it not work when switching to the fairyrace, and how did I arrive at my RaceMenu hypothesis? The kicker is in point 3:


3) When I load a character that already has the wings, the animations stop working, implying that the effect does not work properly when gameplay is suspended to have the RaceMenu open. Thus, I assume it isn't working because the hit effect art can't work in the racemenu.



Based on all this, I think the solution is to come up with a way to add the wings after the RaceMenu has been closed, but am unsure of how to do this. While using that script in a script call that occurs afterward would feasibly work, as stated it's best to avoid scripting if possible. Is there any way add it via a quest? Specifically a quest that adds the SPEL form as a reward, since quests like the ancient dwemer knowledge questline can add abilities as rewards. The only trouble then is how to discriminate whether the PC is of the fairyrace or not.

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