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Book adding a perk


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Regarding your perk not showing in the pip-boy; make sure the perk isn't flagged as hidden.


Ya that is a good point ... maybe the OP didn't have those set correctly.

But the perk would clearly not apply to the player with just "AddPerk" since that is an internal command pretty much just saying to add the perk to the item. Hence he needs "Player.AddPerk"


Starting to think the OP needs Geck power up

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Ok guys, thanks for your help. I got the book to add the perk on the list when I read it.




Just a few things :


I got your advices. It works again (message+book removed+perk added)! But when loading (via F9 or menu) before reading, doesn't work.

I guess it must be the issues with F9/loading menu you all talking about. If there's no way to fix this... I guess it's done.


EDIT: Waw, I haven't touched anything and now using the manual doesn't work anymore... The game just make the script works whenever he wants.


Do you think Geck power up would help me?

Edited by JimmyRyder
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player.Equipitem EnglishBook01 ;redundant/problematic?  ;  Ya that should be "If GetEquipped ==1"
player.addperk EnglishBookPERK
setobjectivecompleted MamboQuest01 75 1
showmessage EnglishBookMESSAGE 0  ;  Are you sure he needs this flag set ?



 begin menumode

if (bDoOnce == 1)
set bDoOnce to 2;skip a frame
elseif (bDoOnce == 2)
set bDoOnce to 3






player.Equipitem EnglishBook01 ;redundant/problematic? ; Ya that should be "If GetEquipped ==1"


But specifically "If Player.GetEquipped EnglishBook == 1" ; he needs the condition question


showmessage EnglishBookMESSAGE 0 ; Are you sure he needs this flag set ?


Sorry had to add edit to make sure you saw my additions/question within the script.


No, the line should be gone all-together. Since the 'On Equip' block means it is indeed equipped. The OP script is excursively equipping the book. That's why I asked if it was the same book or a different object for that equipitem function

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Ok guys, thanks for your help. I got the book to add the perk on the list when I read it.




Just a few things :


I got your advices. It works again (message+book removed+perk added)! But when loading (via F9 or menu) before reading, doesn't work.

I guess it must be the issues with F9/loading menu you all talking about. If there's no way to fix this... I guess it's done.


EDIT: Waw, I haven't touched anything and now using the manual doesn't work anymore... The game just make the script works whenever he wants.


Do you think Geck power up would help me?

Could be a dirty save. Especially after using F9. Do your testing from a save that doesn't have your modded book in it yet.

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