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I have a weird movement speed bug while sneaking


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Here is my modwatch https://modwat.ch/u/jmeyer73. For some reason if I draw a weapon while I am sneaking in third person, my movement speed is suddenly increased by a lot. What I need to do is stop moving and start moving again and that fixes it. Considering I am playing a thief and I play in third person this is forcing me to play in first person since I sneak everywhere... Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated, thanks

Edited by jmeyer73
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Really? I love that bug. It awesome. :laugh: To each there own. We have to agree to disagree. I simple stop & then keep going. I abuse it when I've a long distance to travel, early in the game though, when there no one around to sneak pass.


Ps I'm not coming back I don't wanna see a fix by accident :cool:

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