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I don't understand why people always jump on the topics about sex


What are you, twelve!? I promise your mom won't read this forum.  

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  1. 1. Is being self righteous and hypocritical about oblivion sex mods mature?

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The truth to life is, 99% of females LOVE sex a frickin lot. Many of them like it dirty, nasty, and rough. So rough its like consensual rape. Anyways in the wise words of AliefSlof and I quote "If this mod (or post in this case) offends, why even be here in the first place? Remember: if you don't like it, don't view or download it. Simple as that." Don't bash people cause they know the truth about life and aren't afraid to ask where to find some 3d naked ladies and/or guys. If you don't wanna look then don't. But don't stare furiously and bash, please, you're only embarrassing yourself by proving to us that you've either never been laid or are whipped and timid. Oh and by the way I am whipped and my wife forces me to... well better leave that to the imagination. It's something not very nice though. ;P


Use your powers for good and tell me how to make 2handed swords 1handed so they appear in the hand. Specifically dragonslayer mod, sword of omens mod, or blackluster claymore.


Man I hope I don't get banned for this. I just wanna start a heated discussion. Plz don't freeze this too quickly.


And for any moderator who thinks sex is a bad topic, then you should think about your priorities. Sex isn't evil, its violence that makes our world hell so turn the cheek from sex, and think about the true devil in disguise.

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Though I fear this will be locked soon, I think it isn't mature no.

You always have other forums to moan about that, but you can just ignore those mods if you don't like em, and DL them if you do like em. you don't suffer any penalty if they're placed on TESnexus if you don't DL them.

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Aw, come on. That last one would never have made it to page 2, even if it did get locked, and only one person was actually bashing if I recall. The 5-page one is provoking deep enough discussion by the looks of it. You're surely exaggerating.

...And how did hypocritical get in the poll? I'm not seeing it, even with your first paragraph.

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Why do you "just wanna start a heated discussion" on the topic? I interpret that as "hey lets flame but make it look legit so we don't get banned."


The short and [not so] sweet, is that video games already attract the attention of every retard parent who has failed at raising their kid and need someone else to blame. Adding explicit content to a game just draws more attention of a different kind. Society, being too inept to draw logical distinctions between individuals, problems, and individual problems, is more than ready and willing to simply group us all together. "That guy killed his neighbor and he owned Shooter Game X." So the next step in this failed logic is "Everybody who plays Shooter Game X is training to be a murderer! Ban Shooter Game X!!!" A few years ago, The Sims 2 showed us that it's not just violent games that suffer. There is a code that makes Sims nude, there are kid Sims, therefore The Sims 2 is designed for pedophiles! Ban the Sims!!! You see, the stupidity never ends. Thankfully, the judge in that case had some common sense. But how long until there is a judge who doesn't know any better, or worse, just doesn't care. How long until we see "Oblivion has companions that do whatever you say, there is a mod for sex, therefore Oblivion is all about sex slaves! Ban Oblivion!!!"


Bethesda allows us the privilege of adding content to their game and sharing it amongst ourselves. They could just as easily revoke that privilege if they start to get too much attention for the wrong reasons.


Why do we harass, flame and otherwise berate people who constantly ask for this stuff? Because we do not believe in punishing the whole for the actions of the one. We do not want to suffer the loss of our privileges because of a few retards who could not find better fap material.

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The truth to life is, 99% of females LOVE sex a frickin lot. Many of them like it dirty, nasty, and rough. So rough its like consensual rape.

Frankly, this concept concerns me, what sort of horribly skewed world are you living in? First, your figures are so horribly off that it isn't funny... 99% of females? Did you just pull that out of your ass, or are you basing it just off of people you or your friends have dated? Then going on to condone something like rape, or comparing sex to rape... No offense, but you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, and that part alone is reason enough to dismiss everything you're trying to say as the words of some young, immature male without a father who only knows about the topic from the whores they see on TV and the whores they date in school. If you said that within earshot, I would have a very hard time keeping myself from beating you to a bloody pulp. People like you are the reason why people become fanatical feminists, and why some of what they say is actually valid, and serve as an embarassment to men everywhere. Drop the macho "I own women" act (and hopefully it is an act), it's old, has been played out to death, and causes far too much harm than good.


Don't bash people cause they know the truth about life and aren't afraid to ask where to find some 3d naked ladies and/or guys. If you don't wanna look then don't. But don't stare furiously and bash, please, you're only embarrassing yourself by proving to us that you've either never been laid or are whipped and timid.


If you want truth about life, a mod with a naked woman who makes suggestive sounds isn't going to do it. If you want truth about life, a game where a woman has absolutely no reason to show any interest in you, but does anyway, and lets you do whatever you want, isn't going to do it. Even as far as anatomy goes, what is presented in games is the exaggerated views of what that society considders "attractive" and usually isn't representative of even a small portion (1%) of the population. This is why so many people have feelings of being physically inferior, and take drastic measures to try and get closer to that ideal. Games that have these sorts of things essentially fill the same role as "Girls Gone Wild". They present something which immature people can self-gratify themselves to. I am not saying that that role doesn't occasionally need to be filled, there are certainly many MANY places to fulfil that role, especially online. What I am saying is that a mod for a game which people 12 and under play should probably not have those things in them. The reason why is simple, it is easy to lie about your age online. Or do you actually believe that upon realizing that there is an adult section that kids won't just make another account with access to that section? These mods and games don't teach about forming relationships, or even how to have sex, they just allow instant gratification without any effort.


Use your powers for good and tell me how to make 2handed swords 1handed so they appear in the hand. Specifically dragonslayer mod, sword of omens mod, or blackluster claymore.


Off topic... But at any rate, it's been said elsewhere, search for it.


Man I hope I don't get banned for this. I just wanna start a heated discussion. Plz don't freeze this too quickly.


And for any moderator who thinks sex is a bad topic, then you should think about your priorities. Sex isn't evil, its violence that makes our world hell so turn the cheek from sex, and think about the true devil in disguise.

First, this is in the wrong section of the forums, since it seems you're looking for a debate on the subject (or just trying to troll). Sex isn't a bad topic, it's just inappropiate for a gaming forum where children will be able to view it. Regardless of any moral arguments, this is a legal issue. Oddly enough, you mention violence as evil, but compare sex to rape without a second thought, or any attempt to clarify. Once again, you are an idiot, who probably deserves to be severely beaten, and raped yourself, just to see how you like it.


There is a code that makes Sims nude, there are kid Sims, therefore The Sims 2 is designed for pedophiles! Ban the Sims!!! You see, the stupidity never ends.

IIRC, this is also why most sims community sites have outright banned any content created which might encourage this sort of view. And why they've taken to an approval based system for uploads. This actually ends up keeping most the individual sites honest since people aren't as willing to upload things that might get them arrested. Now this is a special case since graphical representations of children are involved, but is an example of how a community can decide to just not do something, and stick to it since it only hurts that community if such things are made.

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Sex=good. Now what has this to do with naked NPCs in Oblivion?

no offense, and not trying to flame or troll here, but your stupid...

I agree with everything that Vagrant says, i dont even think you read anything that he, WoogieMonster, Eolath, or Logintodownload said...saying the things that your saying is immature and pretty dang stupid, you sound like some teenager who WANTS that stuff, not someone who has it.

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I do not well understand why so many people took their time to reply to the author of such an outrageous post. I simply ask to any moderator reading this thread to close it (or better delete), because 1) the discussion is going to flame by request of the poster and 2) because of the disgusting words can be read in it. Some examples:

consensual rape

Try asking to a raped girl what does it actually mean, stupid, before posting such a thing.

Oh and by the way I am whipped and my wife forces me to... well better leave that to the imagination. It's something not very nice though. ;P

No comment.




I repeat it, I propose thread deletion.



EDIT: Just to understand the maturity of the poster, take a look at THIS other post of his own.

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