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SSE CTD on Save After Hours of Gameplay


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I'm having the same issue and about 40+ hours in with my current save. I came back after some years in Oldrim and started again a few months ago, gradually adding mods as I progress which totals me to 96 mods installed (idk but most mods that're ported from Oldrim can't be merged via bashed patch / I'm just clueless on new things since its long since I played). For me it happened after I installed Fortify Enchant mod and doing the Companion questline. I think mine started when I arrived at Winterhold with one of the non-essential NPCs dying and I have to resurrect him and he's stuck in a state where he supposed to converse with the General goods NPC and go back to the shop / inn, both of them are stuck outside the shop. I tried everything command-wise but they're stuck there so I leave them be.

As per the recommendations from this thread. I tried almost everything except loading a previous load before I installed Enchanting mod which is around 20hrs.
- On the current save with the ctd on save happens, I finished a quest for Farkas while they're at the Ysgamor tomb, before talking to him to mark the quest done, every attempt to save causes CTD after clearing the last companion quest (He started sprinting after I finished the quest, in which I have to chase in to mark it done and then go back to the tomb to get more quests from Vilkas and AelaI). In my case, there are random points in the game where I can save without CTD and that is limited. I tried fast travelling to specific towns / going to close-cells to save and no dice.

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Welp. New character file started this CTD on save crap again. Tried the original solution, no luck at all for that. Tried the engine fixes and no luck with that. Not sure what to do now.


I wonder how many of the people who this has happened too, all have Legacy of the Dragonborn installed.

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It didn't say anything about legacy, but I read through some of the other posts and saw one or two mention it was in their load orders. That and the second or third time this accursed bug happened with me it was after i enabled the display share function (which is being removed in the next version, for not working properly.), and when I went to a save (thank God I thought to be cautious when testing that function myself) prior to activating it I was able to continue that file to end what i wanted to do with him, before it happened again. With this now dead play through, the first sign of it happening I opened up resaver and checked the most recent save and the quick save. The save was clean, and the only thing the quick save had was an unattached instance was for iHUD. But that I think can be attributed to me quick saving while the hud was fading.

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I haven't used the share function since that character. My next run is going to be an actual story run through, but I am waiting for v5 of legacy to come out first. If anything starts acting up with the saves I will be sure to post it. I will be keeping Engine fixes installed see if that helps with a fresh play.



I do have other theories as to what is causing it, or at least is the culprit for me. But I am going to wait to see what happens with my next character before I move on to them.

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Once Legacy v5 is out, and i have everything updated and reinstalled after the new CC forced update I'll check in here with progress reports at certain intervals of time played. I'll check with resaver for each of these reports to see if I can catch anything misfiring or being orphaned for some unknown reason.

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I would like to report that I started having this same problem after around 440hrs on one playthrough. My .ess file was around 18MBytes. I already had SSE Engine Fixes, but hadn't implemented SaveGameMaxSize fix. I updated the supplied .ini file and, voila!, problem solved!


I also want to report another issue that I had that is somewhat relevant to this discussion. On exiting Resave, it would ask me if I wanted to overwrite the save file in question. I would say yes. When it's working properly, it will tell you that it renamed the original file for you. If it's not working properly, it won't give you this message (and there won't be a new save... it'll be only 2MB in size [in my case] and will give you an infinite loading screen if you don't realize what happened). I cleared out a ton of saves and emptied my Recycle Bin and also used the "Save" option under the 'File' menu in Resave instead of just 'x'ing out of the program as I usually do. Which one of these particular things made it work for me? I don't know. But now it works for me.

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