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A mod that allows me to play a good character


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I'd love a mod that lets me play a good character (a Paladin, for example). I'll explain:


A true RPG allows you to play either good or evil, but Skyrim forces you to play an evil character.


I'll give an example to clarify what I have in mind:

In the quest "Innocence Lost", I'm asked to kill Grelod the Kind. But killing someone for being unkind to children is not something that a good character would do. The game should give more measured options, such as using persuasion to convince Grelod to look for another line of work, arranging to have the children adopted, etc.


In Skyrim, if you want to rid the land of the Dark Brotherhood, you're forced to kill Grelod first, Which means you've already become as evil as they and killing them would just show you to be a hypocrite.


I tried every way to kill astrid without having to use console codes and without killing Grelod but the game gave me no such choice. Commander Maro never shows up at the Penitus Oculatus post in Dragon Bridge unless you kill Grelod first.


It would be nice to be able to get a quest to kill Astrid and enter the shack east of solitude without having to cheat. Astrid should have appropriate dialogue for the ocasion. Right now, if you enter the shack without killing Grelod, she just says "Brother?" and, ironically, says "Well done" when you kill her, which seems inappropriate in the first meeting to say the least.


I used that particular quest as an example but the idea is to make a mod that gives your character the choice to do the "right thing" in as many quests as possible.



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I have that same feeling. Another bothersome idea is that, once i drank with Sam, i had to finish the quest by receiving the daedra's staff. I don't want to summon devils to fight for me. I want to get rid of them. Later i wanted to rid a haunted house with a vigilant of stendar. The only way to get out of that house is to kill the vigilant. Just curious, but is this avoidable if i refuse to drink with Sam? And why is there no option to talk the kid (forgot his name) out of his Dark Brotherhood request and getting him set straight, instead of being forced into killing the old woman? True, i really didn't like the way she spake to the kids, but if she really has to be killed, why are the kids available whenever she dies?


In the demo video from Bethesda, the character leaves a cave with mammoth and giants passing right next to him, no attacks. I pass twenty metres away from a giant encampment and get clubbed into oblivion... sorry, couldn't help it.


And is it necessary that all forts be occupied by enemies? No neutral or friendly characters? Necessitating unnecessary killing, as far as i'm concerned. Sometimes i just want to pass through and trade with some people who have no idea who i am an don't want me to go and rescue her cat from the jaws of the neighbour's dog which has been sold to a dark elf in Solitude who has decided to change the kitty into a canary and will kill the doggie, unless i find a chihuahua in a lost mousetrap in some far-away cave to make up for his lost My Little Pony doll.

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The evil stuff are actually funnier imo,I kicked Grelod's ass real bad,and the kids were jumping around laughin',murdering people might not be right,but getting rid of Grelod seemed to be pretty much the right choice there.And hey,don't you wanna punch random people,decapitate guards,torture people to make 'em give their treasure away? (dark brotherhood ftw)


About destroying the Dark Brotherhood..it's one of the worst nightmares you can have in Tamriel,once they've marked you,they'll find you,no matter where you go,you can go to hell and they'll come to hell to hunt you down.Talking to a noob penitus oculatus commander and going to finish the dark brotherhood would look like SH*T compared to their history and how deadly they are in LORE.


Sometimes you have to make a choice,and that choice may be a bad choice,but it'll be necessary.like,would you lose a friend to keep another? Hard ones,really.


I recommend you stay neutral,lol,help the poor,punch the baddies,torture some people for extra gold..and so on :P


Not all Paladins are good FOREVER,anyway,look at what Arthas in Warcraft Lore turned out to be.He burnt and destroyed a city full of innocent people,trapped his own men in Northrend,killed every trusted person in his life,his mentor Uther,or his close and trusted friend Muradin.Yeah,yeah,he was being controlled by Frostmourne and whatever,but he obeyed.That was the problem.


Look on the other side of things,Grelod screwed the lives of innocent children,even tho your way of "solving" is by killing,they are happy in the end,you can then go back to the shack and kick Astrid's ass if you're interested.You can do that,I hear.


You guys should learn to live in the moment,this is just a game,come on,you're the Dragonborn,you aren't in Skyrim to save people's dogs and so on,as Alduin isn't in Skyrim to join the civil war.Your purpose is to defeat Alduin and push him back.




I agree with the last part,we shouldn't just kill anything in this game,though.They could've added more people outdoors,that would be awesome,'cause Skyrim is dead in its current state,only thing you encounter outside are monsters or priests / thieves,WHERE THE HELL ARE THE PEOPLE? Where are the Khajiit caravans they talked about,what is the Thalmor doing? Still having that absurd drunk s*x party at the Embassy or will they show themselves? Where does Belethor get his stuff? Where do they get the meat,how do they feed their animals,work in farms,etc.! :D

Edited by Ohdude
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Interestingly just before you started this thread I made a post here - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/486858-make-or-break-the-dark-brotherhood/page__st__30


"Will you be including a good guy option in your mod? I'm playing through the game with my vampire/DB/thief character and thinking about how the game tends to reward players for choosing the "evil" path and how much my good/heroic character misses out on. I think the addition of the Morag Tong is a interesting idea for Skyrim but, I'm looking for the option of breaking the Dark Brotherhood where the player can earn rewards on par with the ones you get for joining them without having to become a murderer/assassin.


An example would be - You have the option of going to Grelod the Kind and telling her that the Dark Brotherhood is coming to kill her, she would respond the same way "You don't scare me." And while talking with her the Dark Brotherhood shows up and kills her. The player kills the assassin finds a note on the body that leads into a much better destroy the Dark Brotherhood quest line than the one currently in game.


If you won't be including anything like that in your mod have you heard of anyone else working on one? Thanks!"


I'd love to work on a project that gives real choices, you can be bad or good. Not the current be a bad guy get great rewards or be a good guy and miss out on story and quests/quest rewards. I've done modding in Morrowind and Oblivion and looking forward to the CK for Skyrim. I'm still waiting for a reply in that thread to see where they plan to take their mod. It would be nice to have one mod that would cover all options for the Dark Brotherhood.

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True that!


Minor spoilers ahead, watch out:









Here's some things that honestly pisses me off...


1) You MUST enter the Thieves Guild to be able to do the main quest, which involves framing an innocent sales man into jail. I didn't want to do that!


2) When the opponent is weak and says "Mercy!", it doesn't matter, you can't let him live, because as soon as he gets up again he WILL attack you.


3) Get an Unusual Gem = You'll be stuck with it forever until you join the Thieves Guild.


4) Silver Hand is a group of people who fights Vampires, werewolfs and other monsters. They're shown as bandits..... I'm my opinion the Silver Hand should be a legit group, and once you find out the Companions Circle is filled with Werewolfs you could choose whether or not to become a monster.


My suggestion of options:


"Yes, turn me into a werewolf. " (you continue on the companions)

"I despise this!" (You turn against the companions, later become a member of the Silverhand, at the end of the quest Yorvaskar becomes a "Silver Hand" base)


Why not?


The game FORCES you to become wherewolf if you want to continue the "Warriors' quest line"....

Edited by Sucrilhus
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You guys should learn to live in the moment,this is just a game,come on


I very pointedly tried not to show this kind of intolerance for other people's inclinations to play the game as they enjoy it best in my OP. Can we agree on this?: I won't begrudge your desire to play an evil guy if you don't mind my wanting to play a good guy.

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I did not think about this at all until reading this post. At just about every turn, the game makes you do evil things. You are constantly rewarded for it...I did not want to kill Parthanaax, but I also did not want to miss out on the blades stuff.


I remember when reading about this game, they gloated about how there would be many choices to make that would greatly shape the world. Besides choosing what armor you want guards to wear by participating in the civil war, and choosing weather you want to meditate on shouts by keeping a dragon around, or killing him to do blades quests, there just aren't many choices at all. And like you guys said, if I did choose the good route like with the daedric quests, I would not be rewarded much, if anything. To get the weapons or the gold, you had to kill in their name.


I think this is more of a complaint for the developers to learn from, than an actual concept for a mod. The core of this game has this problem, and it would take many fixes, voice work, scripting, and all kinds of crap just to bring it up to a decent level of quality. Much of the game would become broken the more you mess with it trying to work things in.


I don't see this kind of overhaul to game happening, and it's a damn shame. I wish software developers could go back to the older days where they didnt have time constraints or money problems so they could give computer games the quality and depth they deserve.


This game is so damn shallow.

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I agree with your idea, and by the way, all kinds of mods like this must become available, for those who want to change something on Vanilla Skyrim. I'm also looking forward for the Creation Kit, which will open many many possibilities of welcome changes. Fortunately the CK will become available soon for the Skyrim modding community.
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You MUST enter the Thieves Guild to be able to do the main quest, which involves framing an innocent sales man into jail. I didn't want to do that!


I finished the MQ without ever joining the Thieves' Guild. What part of the MQ are you referring to?

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