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General Character Chat


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I'm not sure what you want here Sa'Daesaru. Character info should be given in the pinned thread at the top of this forum. What kind of questions would you like people to raise? Suggestions/questions on Morrowind and the like should be in the respective forums or they will not count towards post count. Were you looking for suggestions/questions on the characters 'back stories'? Things like where was my Nord character Kykykki born, what was his early life like etc. Or were you looking more for 'why did you choose a Nord as against a Dunmer?'


To get people to post here you might need to be a bit clearer IMO.



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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell this forum is for people to ask for suggestions, talk about what faction youre in a why, etc. etc. one may say, for instance, "well redguard was indeed tempting but as i neared lvl15, i was glad to have gone with bosmer, and to have made a more ranged-based samurai"
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  • 2 years later...

Umm this thread is pretty old now, and it never really took off in the first place. Your post doesn't really add anything new. ^^; Please look up the rules on thread necromancy, thanks.



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