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Dawnguard : confront arch-curate bug


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As I walked into the room, the arch-curate started talking and some enemies were unfrozen. Everything went well until I cleaned the last enemies wave and the arch-curate started destroying the room. After explosion, nothing happened, the cutscene where my character was supposed to be staggered didn't trigger. I reloaded the save file, didn't work, either.

This seems to be a rare bug because I couldn't find any question about this bug.

Please help. :(((

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Mike, there are a couple of things you can try. First, reload an earlier save and see if the quest will complete properly from there. Also, if you aren't already using the Unofficial Legendary Patch, then it's a good idea to install it. It addresses a lot of bugs that the official patches and Update don't. I do hope you get things sorted out. :happy:

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Mike, there are a couple of things you can try. First, reload an earlier save and see if the quest will complete properly from there. Also, if you aren't already using the Unofficial Legendary Patch, then it's a good idea to install it. It addresses a lot of bugs that the official patches and Update don't. I do hope you get things sorted out. :happy:

Well, I didn't try the first thing, but I had the patch installed already, not sure if it being overwritten affects anything. I will give the first thing a shot. Thanks :3
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