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[WIP] Wayshrines of Old


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(Image by Complete the Circuit)


Wayshrines of Old is the successor to my Small Wayshrines Plugin. This is a simple plugin that adds remnants of the second era - wayshrines - that can be used by the Dragonborn to navigate the province of Skyrim and Solstheim!

This plugin is being developed for Oldrim and Skyrim SE.

What's the difference between this every other existing wayshrine plugin out there?
This does not rely on Dawnguard assets. These wayshrines were either made from scratch or mashed up from base game assets to add diversity and the fast traveling system is independent. I want to keep this plugin relatively simple so it doesn't require SKSE and or SKYUI to function. If you would like a more content-rich implementation of wayshrines, I suggest Skyrim Wayshrines - Immersive Fast Travel - SWIFT by Pharros. :)


Images below the cut:












Nordic Wayshrine:
Design loosely based off of ZeniMax's Nordic Wayshrine from Elder Scrolls Online.
Mesh created with Blender 2.78a and 3DS Max 2015.
Textures from Textures.com and SWTexture and were modified with Paint.NET.
Texture(s): WoodEnds0084, RooftilesSlate0064, WoodRough0023, Ornament Border, from Textures.com and Stone139 from SWTexture.

Texture Stone139 from SWTexture.
Bethesda for the Original Mesh for the Platform (middensummoncircle01) which was modified with Blender 2.78a and 3DS Max 2015.


Molag Bal Wayshrine:

Vanilla Textures modified with Paint.NET

Mashup created with Blender 2.78c and 3DS Max 2015.

DSoS and Anbeegod for helping me figure out the scripting side of this!
Billyro for generating new normal and specular maps as well as creating the snow mesh added ontop of the Nordic Wayshrine.
Arthmoor and Hanaisse for letting me use the Markarth Banner Texture from USLEEP.

NifTools Team for NifUtilsSuite and NifSkope!

ZeniMax for Elder Scrolls Online.

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Some sneak peak imagery of the shrines at work thanks to Complete the Circuit :thumbsup: (He's made the description page a 100x cooler)



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I'd just like to say thank you for the contribution. I think personally I may only use the elven ones for actual fast travel (justifying magic mumbo jumbo in my head), but I love mods which add personality to the land here and there, and this will do exactly that. Keep up the awesome work buddy.


Would be cool if there was some minor variations to each one, but cool either way.

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Thank you :) No worries about it. I understand that.

I'm on a mission to change the textures up a bit (as well as add shaders) for each hold's wayshrine to have them blend in bit more with their surroundings. So far, I've only really covered Whiterun but fingers are crossed I don't take a century to do the others.


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Looks great man, you're onto a really neat concept. You thought about expanding the idea once you're done with the first phase? I'm just curious you see :).


Just an idea, maybe each shrine could provide a minor buff, or say a horse to be provided at the Whiterun one, or tamed frost trolls for sale outside Dawnstars shrine.

Spit-balling ideas just whilst I have them of course.


The WIP image above looks good, details will make it very memorable :D

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I do have a few things planned that I hope to implement once I'm finished with placing the shrines around the world. :)

Your suggestion actually ties in with one of them. Thank you though. I appreciate any and all input.


Some more updates:



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