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Trying to play on new monitor but will only go to 1080p

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I recently got myself a new high end gaming monitor that has a res of 1440p. So I tried to load up the game, still in the middle of modding the game by the way, and I have false full screen windowed mode work, but now when I start it, I only get 1080 and not the full screen. Need some help to make this work.


Or if anything , force my screen to play at 1080p with the full screen.

Edited by NinjaCommander
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Monitors today are "digital" (typically LCDs) and have a "native resolution" in pixels. For a "1440p" that is 2560×1440 (QHD, WQHD, Quad HD, 1440p). That is 4 times that of 1,280 x 720. They are designed to display at that resolution. (This Monitornerds article covers the basics pretty well.)


Anything displayed at a lower resolution has to be in a comparable "aspect ratio" (16:9 in this case) or you are going to get "letterboxed" (black borders) instead of what you consider "fullscreen". All of which assumes you have a video card capable of displaying that higher pixel density over an HDMI 1.3 connection at a suitable refresh rate (144Hz preferred).


You need to set both your game and Windows "system display" resolution to 1920x1080 (which fortunately is a 16:9 ratio) to get a "true fullscreen" effect. If your "system display" resolution is 2560x1440, then anything less in the game resolution HAS to take up less screen space because it is displaying fewer pixels, and the rest of the monitor "real estate" is rendered as "black".



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