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TES 3 vs. 4


TES 3 vs. 4, without unofficial content  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. If you could only play one without any mods (official expansions ok) which would it be?

    • Morrowind
    • Oblivion
    • Never played Morrowind so I choose Oblivion
    • Never played Oblivion so I choose Morrowind

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I think Oblivion's graphics were overdone. The surface of almost everything is shiny, as if it has been wrapped in plastic.


Maybe it's just because I can't run Oblivion at high settings, but I like Morrowind's graphics better. Maybe not the quality of the textures, but the style.


And the texture (and mesh) replacers that have been released recently or are being worked on are awesome (yeah I know, this was to be a discussion in which we ignore mods, but I couldn't resist):


Appropriate shiny surface


Yes this is Morrowind :blink:



















Oblivion's texture replacers, especially Qarl's, are great too of course, but for a 6 year old game this rocks! :)

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Comparing Morrowind's graphics, and Oblivion's graphics.....


Morrowind's textures on the NPCs are not all that great, but runs stable. Oblivion's graphics are the most awesome so far in the Elder Scrolls series, but the quality lags more, for it's a little too much for my comp to handle. I haven't yet got a dual processor. It provides pretty cool features such as sitting on chairs, and riding horses, thank god finally. But requires a better processor.


Now for the features and activities for both Morrowind and Oblivion........


Morrowind's armor system is a complete custom set. You can switch pauldrons, gauntlets, and whatever. Oblivion's cuirasses are full sets. The pauldrons are already attached, and the gauntlets are a two set. I wish it was like Morrowind however. It sucks that Oblivion's armor set is not custom as Morrowind is.


Now for mods. Modding for Morrowind for me is pretty complicated. I don't know how to make valid armors, and yet still have to learn. But I pretty much consume Morrowind's modding system is hard. Oblivion was like pretty easy for me to mod. At least the full skeleton was included in Oblivion. The Morrowind skeleton is seperate for all meshes. The body parts were also wasting time for me to make for Morrowind. Oblivion's body parts were pretty easy.




Morrowind : 8.0

Oblivion : 8.1


Too bad the poll doesn't allow me to vote for both, but I choose both! Oblivion is pretty much my vote, but they're both cool games! :thumbsup:


The poll is asking which one you would choose if you could only choose one to play without mods. Morrowind is a more satisfying system in many areas such as world and level design and UI but Oblivion looks better and has more advanced combat. To me it's interesting that Oblivion had to sacrifice some of the classic and most loved features of Morrowind in order to make room for new ones in Oblivion. So which game do more people prefer if they HAD to choose? Classic over eye-candy? With mods I'm sure most people would pick Oblivion, but the point is to examine the original games and their official expansions.

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I think Oblivion's graphics were overdone. The surface of almost everything is shiny, as if it has been wrapped in plastic.


I think the colors are just a bit too bright. I miss the Morrowind shaders which made everything look dark and cool. I'd be nice to see this effect applied to Oblivion which might get rid of that "plastic" feeling you sometimes get. I may just have to get into some settings somewhere and try to duplicate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Forgot to ask if an admin can delete the first vote? When I first posted this I forgot to make it single choice and some bored soul picked every choice before I changed it.


If this is not possible then please ignore one vote for each choice when viewing these results.


This poll is so far confirming what I expected although a few more votes sure would not hurt! This would help me with an article I've been working on. Thanks.

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Ï picked Morrowind mainly because Oblivion is barely a "good" game without any mods while Morrowind is more than awesome.


When playing Morrowind, you can feel through the game the love it's made with but Oblivion is so plastic in many other ways too than its graphics. In Oblivion I can only hear its creators' laugh as their account$ are increased by every sold copy of the game. In my opinion Oblivion has a little, if any respect toward its ancestors.

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Ï picked Morrowind mainly because Oblivion is barely a "good" game without any mods while Morrowind is more than awesome.


When playing Morrowind, you can feel through the game the love it's made with but Oblivion is so plastic in many other ways too than its graphics. In Oblivion I can only hear its creators' laugh as their account$ are increased by every sold copy of the game. In my opinion Oblivion has a little, if any respect toward its ancestors.


I agree with Decal_Mirror, and I really do not know how to put it better.


But I will add to it.


The expansion pack Tribunal, for Morrowind, had in my opinion one of the better story lines among RPG's. Plus, Morrowind was so rich in lore, lore that I believe Oblivion was lacking in. Vvardenfell was a world worth exploring, Cyrodiil didn't hold a candle compared to what Vvardenfell was.


As far as mods, I think Morrowind's text based dialog made it easier to produce quest mods than Oblivion's poor Voice Acting.


I hope that TES V, whether it be the traditional single player RPG or a MMORPG as rumor has it, will be as lore rich as what Morrowind was, and not the static world that Oblivion was.


Just my two cents worth.

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The expansion pack Tribunal, for Morrowind, had in my opinion one of the better story lines among RPG's. Plus, Morrowind was so rich in lore, lore that I believe Oblivion was lacking in. Vvardenfell was a world worth exploring, Cyrodiil didn't hold a candle compared to what Vvardenfell was.


I think Oblivion's lore is relying too much to Morrowind's and is not trying to create its own.

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Morrowind Graphics Extender

Vality's Ice Caverns Enhanced, Bitter Coast Rainforest (wip) Bitter Coast Tree Mod, Ascadian Isles Tree Mod and Solstheim Project. Almost the entire page, basically.


And Connary's Retextures. He's working on a megapack, which includes most of that, some of it updated, and more. He's retexturing almost everything. Landscapes, monsters, weapons, armors, miscellaneous items, buildings, chests, boxes, spider webs...

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