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Bigamy mod/Marriage in all holds


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This could be a fun mod, imagine this...


You can get married in every hold that has a property, the main holds, but...

every skyrim week, you will need to at least eat one meal, sleep one night

and collect coin from the shop, from every wife you cheat on,risking everything.

failure to do so exposes your Bigamy for the poor wife who got forgotten

and she divorces you, and you get to lose the house for that hold

all the stuff in it, and the girl, lose all personal assets on your person/or half

and go to jail for up to two days, making it a fast track gamble to catch up

with the marrital duties of the other wives.



Edited by Rigmor
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If it weren't for the fact that wives in Skyrim are such robotic cardboard cutouts, I'd love the idea of having a wife waiting for me in every house I own. I tried marriage but it was so boring I just parked the wife in one of my houses and then never visited her again. I guess having one in every house would be like buying an extra amenity, as their purpose is purely decorative in the game, and sex (or even hugs) is not allowed anyway.


BTW, not to be a grammar nazi, but Bi = 2, polygamy sounds more like what you're proposing.

Edited by Galadrew
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