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Wardrobes ? Creating sets of clothes


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Well, I searched but didn't find anything like this. I was wondering if we will have a mod as on Oblivion with whitch we could create sets of different parts of an armor. For example, with a shortcut, you would equip a set with some bonuses. Another one, an armor (for example), etc.


I remember that we had such a mod on Oblivion and it even changed what you were equiped with when you were going to sleep.


For immersion, could be really interesting !


When we enter a city's builiding / go to the bed => rp clothes.

I'm sure everybody is agreeing that to sleep with cold plates on the whole body should be really hard and uncomfortable. ;)




PS : sorry for 1. the numerous mistakes (I do my best in english) 2. if it was already asked (since I searched but didn't find anything).

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I would really like this, right now I have separate armor for bartering (speechcraft/haggling enchants), smithing, alchemy, archery, and so on. And I would wear RP clothes more if switching in and out of my regular armor wasn't so inconvenient.
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