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Lotr Strider Sword


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I'm a big fan of Tolkien and this Lord of the Rings and the 2 mod of isilmeriel was beautiful, but i ask for obtained the Strider sword wear by Aragorn during the first, the second and the begin of the third.


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You know, when I first saw the "I'll make it" post, my first thought was "And we'll never hear of that modder again"


Then I noticed it was Ghosu saying, so my thought changed to "Well, He'll definitely make it, but I don't know how long it takes."


And now, in couple of hours, complete thing is published before OP or anyone else even reacted to it.


You sir, would deserve second.. and third kudos from me, if that would be allowed in Nexus.

Also, nice to see you're "back" :biggrin: Haven't heard of you for a while.

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