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Skyrim just 12 FPS


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Hi. I haveRealvision ENB and other Mods installed. My main problem is that I only have 12FPS. Skyrim runs with me on 4K resolution. Would like to put on 1920 * 1080 but then ees always falls off. Have a GTX 970M 3GB, I7 6Gen, 16GBRAM. So I would have to come over 12FPS? Can someone help me with the resolution down or advice why I have only 12FPS? Use an MSI GE62 2Qf Apache pro. Thank you. Sorry for the Bad English


EDIT: I use the Full VErsion from ENB

Edited by Raymann
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The main reason for such low FPS is definitly your setup.
Try to lower your detail-grade in steps, look at your installed modlist what you realy need and prefer, play with the native resolution from your laptop or lower it 1-2 steps.
Your Laptop is powerful enough to handle a smooth nice looking game, but it should not be exaggerated.

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The resolution of the screen of the laptop are 4K. As soon as I set the resolution in the launcher to 1920 * 1080 and it with SKSE start it crashes. Would the lower the Resolution but do not know how I solve this problem

Edited by Raymann
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Yes, I try to use a lower resolution but Skyrim always crashes when I start it on 1920 * 1080 .I set it on 1920*1080 with the launcher and then start it with SKSE. Can someone help me why it always crashes


Edit:Have it just again tried on 1920 * 1080. It starts but the screen remains black but the music is running and I also hear clicking when I navigate with the button through the menu but see nothing

Edited by Raymann
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my point was for you to use the Vanilla launcher and set your resolution lower than 1920, I seriously don't think your card is going to be able to handle that high of an output

Edited by gromulos
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Yes exactly and as soon as I try with the vanilla laucher the resolution to 1920, I get with the start with SKSE only a blackscreen and listen only the sound


Edit: Ah okay i get it, but the Game start with 4K and i can play it but just with low FPS then must it start also by 1920 or?

Edit2: As I take even lower resolutions I get even a black screen

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I am betting that the black screen issue is because you are using that ENB and the ENB adds edits to the INI. I am not that familiar with ENB's so I don't use them but i do know that they DO edit the INI's or that the user has to make edits to the INI's.


I play Skyrim Special Edition and I can tell you from personal experience that you really do NOT need an ENB, that was the entire reason why Bethesda released Special Edition, to improve not only the engine ( 64 bit instead of 32 ) but also to grossly update the graphics


My ultimate advice to you would be to:


1) get rid of the enb,


2) then verify your files through steam to make sure your INI's are vanilla,


3) then use the vanilla launcher options to what the launcher says and set your resolution to 1680 X 1050


4)test the game and make sure it works


5) if it does then raise the resolution ONE notch at a time

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You say you play with a 4k resolution.
Is that an external display?

If not, how you play then at 4k with your 15,6" Display if they can max 1920x1080?

This should be your Laptop if im not wrong:

4k means a minimum resolution of 3996 × 2160, which means that is an 28" display minimum.

And for such displays is the Nvidia 970M far too low, here need you a highend GPU like GTX1070 or R9 390.
At the other side, without HDMI connecting at such displays, you would just get full HD (1920x1080)

Edited by Eimernase
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