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Something very simple and that if i remember correctly worked in Oblivion vanilla.


Even if you use magic, you still see your equiped and favoured weapon on your back/hip.


Its something really stupid to see your weapon dissapear each time you want to use spells...


Now making all you want visible, might sound cool, but you got to think of the technical issues.


Or make it an option that you enable when installing the mod, see one equiped and favoured weapon on char or see two items on char, one equipped and favoured and the second favoured one you got(doesn't matter you have 5 weapons favoured only the two firsts will show) etc, till say 3 or 4.


The 3 or 4 visible weapons limite make it so that its stays a bit realistic; a twohander in the back, with the bow quiver over/next to it, with weapons on the hips and a staff behind your left shoulder or another two hander.

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