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How far is it possible to remove the PipBoy?


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Hi all,


I spent some time in the Summer -11 to try completely remove the PipBoy, fetched all information that I found about it, and tried out a lot myself with .NIF and .KF hacking relating to the PipBoy animation and appearance. I got that far that there was no PipBoy visible on me, and the .KF was speedup to almost instant show the "monitor" of the invisible PipBoy. But still with the arm visible, tried some ideas to get rid of it and also the background/foreground, and partly successive but was still not that happy with result.


I hacked the PipBoy down to only show the "monitor" that somehow is linked to a window (as in a screen popup that is controlled by the menu system engine) that menus and so on is shown on.

I understood that I had to dive into the menu system and at this point I started to mix with the settings for the XML and the beta/alfa DarN released for FONV, since this is a crucial part for success, but since DarN at that time for almost a year had not been active (the only one I know about that deeply dived into the XML and menu systems), and this part seems very different compared to OB. I stopped from any further advancement.



Now do anyone know if someone got any further about the topic, or have details if it is possible to completely or almost completely remove the PipBoy at all and in that case have some clues in how? Please tell!

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That doesn't seem to be the question, and if the OP knows about DarnUI and the XML files, I'm assuming they know of Readius, and the Pipboy 2500, and the PDA, and other such Pip-replacers.


The question, as I read it, is:


Is it possible to make it JUST a menu system. No Pipboy, no arm raising, no animations or glitching, but just press TAB and you get a menu.



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I think that by making a special transparent mesh it should be possible. The animation file for the arm raising would need to be replaced by something that doesn't move anything at all.


Honestly it's a bit out of my depth, but what you should need are:


A blank animation

A transparent model (or maybe just a flat black rectangle poly)


If you get even 50% of the way there I'd love to see what you come up with. Might even help where I can.


But it really should be possible. If you can make a PDA you can make it just a menu system.

Edited by Jeoshua
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I partly already touched those paths


1. The PiBoy anim .KF have some time flags to take into account to be successful.


2. The PipBoy mesh I'm afraid is partly hardcoded into the menu system so just delete stuff won't do it. Make it transparent? Hum, might do the trick but still I think it in some cases would create visual anomalies. Still worth a try. (what I first did was to just shrink all unwanted gizmos and hide them in the arm close to the PipBoy root point. A better one would be to just exchange them to the smallest possible mesh like a cube or something)


3. The animation can not "just" be a blank, the PipBoy is attached to the arm and if the arm not move, the screen will not show up in-front of you. (partly tested that one by hacking the .KF, some amusing results but not something usable)


If we presume NVSE is available one might make a equip/unequip sequence of this "invisible" PipBoy when TAB is hit, but it might be tricky to time it with the animation sequence to not be glitchy.


Best would be if it was possible to skip all the animations and just pull the menu system up at a fixed place, but I think the idea with PipBoy as a central key object of the FO series made this hardcoded into the game, you can circumvent it but not totally skip it.


RL is taking much out of my time but I do will try to test some of the ideas. Thanks!

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Couldn't you replace the pipboy animation with a simple idle like was suggested, then move the pipboy screen to rest in front of the FPS screen while in that idle pose? Basically detach it from the arm.

Partly, a stoned idle like for a mannequin that don't move any bones in the skeleton but still have the amount of frames like the PipBoy .KF animination and then use a fast NVSE sequence when you hit the TAB to equip a modified PipBoy that actually only have the screen part and the three buttons moved and displayed just in front of the PC, I think would do it.


The tricky part is that placement of the screen is still a part of the skeleton, if a modified skeleton (that change the wrist position) is used the appearance of the screen would move around accordingly. I think it also make a difference if you use 4:3, 16:10, 16:9 and different FOV angles on your game monitor. Still it cant be worse than the current view usage anyhow.


@Jeoshua You almost got me thinking you already fixed a solution in the Images section before I read you "just" had a glitch :tongue: Still I think it might actually be possible to get a far bit with testing around a bit.

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