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[LE] i changed the player voice but shouts are now silent


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The voice type you've picked doesn't have the voicepowers files necessary for the NPC to say the words out loud.


You have two choices:


1. Change to a race that does have them. I'll list them at the end.

2. Record your own for the voice type but be aware that adding them to the vanilla voice type will alter every male commander in the game. You could create a new voice type MyModMaleCommanderShout, or something to suit you. You could then copy all the original fuz files into this new voicetype.


Voice types that have the voicepowers fuz files:


Player Races, so things like MaleArgonian, FemaleArgonian, MaleElfHaughty, FemaleElfHaughty


Dragons have some of them of course and people like Miraak and the greybeards.


If you do record your own it will probably sound okay because you're not trying to replicate the voice actor who did the male commander voice in conversation, just a few fus-ro dahs and the like. If you've got Audacity or something similar, you could fiddle about with the sound until you think it sounds more like a male commander doing the shouting.


By far the simplest way is to use a voice type that has them already.

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