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Freezes or Slo-Mo in various cells


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"Get better hardware" I see this here a lot. The game runs pretty well for me, almost constant 59-60FPS except around that CIT area. My specs - Intel i5-4570 CPU @3.20 Ghz 8GB RAM

Nvidea GTX660 2 GB Vram Right around minimum required. If I got better hardware, my game would run better, ,,, or would it?? The longer I play a character, the larger my save file gets and the longer it takes to load. Only natural. Stutter, slow-down, almost stop around the CIT ruins only. I see posts on Nexux and elsewhere from people with a lot better hardware that I have, having a lot more problems with this game. It has yo be something more than just the hardware setup.

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Well I did find that FO4SE was the issue. I went the Everything route .... and with ONLY FO4SE running the game and NO DLC's and NO MODS, the problem was 'there'.


I turned FO4SE " OFF " and no issues at all.


I even wen the full Turn OFF everything, even the DLC's to see if they were it.


After a few days of this, I was going back to 2016, when the game had zero issues at all and when there was, it was indeed a MOD, but it was the usual: CTD or NOT loading at all. In game there was NO Slo-Mo, stop - load and other stuff that started to happen when I re-started this game in 2017.


Thanks everyone! :)


I'm just going to " live with it ", as there are some great mods that will simply not work with FO4SE.


.. Jj ...

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