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Using several Fixpacks


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I wondered whether there was a way to minimize compatibility issues while using Improved Atmosphere, Dragon Age Rules Fixpack and Just Another Fixpack. Is there a guide, perhaps on using all those 3 together? It'd be quite tedious to figure out every single potential problem and the description pages mention nothing on this regard. Maybe someone had an experience setting it all up or a working configuration they can share. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.


Also, if the game uses the first file it found of 2 files with the same name that change the same thing why are conflicts even a problem? If, let's say, Improved Atmosphere has Ancient Elven Boots fix and seperate single Ancient Elven Boots fix is installed in override folder. Why does it matter which one gets used in the long run?

Edited by Naudriel
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The short answer is, "It's complicated".

AFAIK, there is no "Guide" to using fixpacks in combination. But the process for doing so is straightforward:

Review the Readmes and Descriptions for each one, then go through the list of files in each one and identify the duplicates and alternatives (some authors fix a particular issue one way, some another).

Play using only one version of any particular file.

I also believe your second point is basically correct. In most cases, having an "unused" version of a given file will not matter since the Eclipse game engine uses the first last file of a particular name it finds in the "\override" folder (using the standard alpha-numeric folder/file searching process.)

But conflicts arise when one author has devised a way to correct mutiple issues via entries in particular files included in that author's fixpack that are different from the way another author's fixpack does it, (as is likely the case.)

So Fixpack A may address issues 1, 4, 5, 12-27, while Fixpack B might address 4, 6, 9-18. The Player could also be using mods C, D, and E to make further changes in the game. If the solution for problem 11 in either Fixpack requires other altered files provides by the same mod, and any of the other mods also has one of those same files included, then whether either solution works, (or if the game is even playable) is a crapshoot. :ohmy:

I currently run with both "Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack" and the "DA Core Rules Fixpack" without any (obvious) conflicts. :thumbsup:

I also stopped using "Improved Atmosphere" a long time ago because it made my saves unplayable without it. If items made with the new materials are in the Inventory when a save is made, the material must "exist" to re-load that save. After uninstalling IA, even "Force Load" won't work in those case and the game just crashes. :sad:

(The same thing happens if you load a mod that adds completely new areas to the game, like "Quests and Legends", make a save while the Party is in one of those areas, then uninstall Q&L. :laugh: )

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Thank you for your answer, Thandal! I suppose you are right about Improved Atmosphere, there's just too many conflicts with other mods and general complaints about the mod itself. The best course of action would be to delete the added materials and item changes and leave the "atmospheric" changes that can function separately. This will leave the majority of immersion features intact while ruling out the compatibility issues. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Concerning the Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack and DA Core Rules Fixpack. Afaik, the is no way to manually install Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack as there is only the dazip file available. And judging by the amount of reported problems and game breaking issues (screwing Leliana romance in latest patch) why do you think it's still safe to use Qwinn's Unofficial Fixpack? Doesn't it also conflict with ZDF Dialog Fix Complete and Morrigan Restoration Patch?


Also, what is your opinion on Just Another Fixpack by ovi187? Any reasons you don't use it along with those 2 you mentioned?


Sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass =)

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A .dazip is a collection of files packaged together as a ".zip", but with the specific folder structure that DAO expects Easy enough to extract them and repack just the ones you want using the same structure. But I've never had to do that to get a mod working. (Although maybe that's because I stopped using AI a long time ago, and haven't happened to use any others that caused specific problems.)


I have been running MRP with the ZDF addon along with Qwinn's (and another couple dozen mods) for over a year now, and have had zero problems with any romances.


Never used "Just Another Fixpack", so have no opinion on it.

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