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Deformed Arm


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I've a problem with a player, which can be seen in the attachment.


The left arm is deformed, in as much as it is 1/2 the size of 'his' correctly formed right arm.


I'm at a loss as to what is causing it to happen and would welcome any suggestions to return it to its correct size.



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Well, that's a new one. I don't think I've ever seen that problem. :smile:


Do you have any body mods installed? If you do, then you might try uninstalling and reinstalling. Come to think of it, I did have a somewhat similar problem with an armor mod I once used, so you might tinker with those kinds of mods in your installation.


Also, if you use RaceMenu, then you could probably use the Body Scales (I think that's the name of the section) to adjust the size of the left arm. It may be that you accidentally adjusted the left arm there to begin with.


Hope you get things sorted out. Good luck!

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The weird thing is if I change sex the arm is perfect! If I change back the left arm returns reduced in size.


I tried removing all armours using MO and all bodies but it hasn't helped - next racemenu to cjange its size there but i think it only affects the upper arm and not the arms full length ...

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