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Random Ctd's


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Hello everyone i was wondering if anyone could look over my load order and help me to sort out why i keep getting random ctd's :/


Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1
Better Vault Lights.esp=1
Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp=1
chem redux.esp=1
Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
Armorsmith Automatron.esp=1
Armorsmith Far Harbor.esp=1
Crafting Workbench.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp=1
Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp=1
No More f*#@ing Birds.esp=1
Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp=1
Synth Overhaul.esp=1
Weaponsmith - Armorsmith - Synth Overhaul Patch.esp=1
Stuff In Wood Boxes.esp=1
The Eyes Of Beauty.esp=1
Cell Respawn Timer 744.esp=1
AA FusionCityRising.esp=1
AA FCR Companion Locator.esp=1
AA FusionCityRising - HotC.esp=1
Galaxy News Radio.esp=1
CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp=1
Weaponsmith - Super Mutant Redux Patch.esp=1
CWSS Redux.esp=1
Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp=1
Vivid Waters.esp=1
CartographersMapMarkers Commonwealth.esp=1
CartographersMapMarkers FarHarbor.esp=1
CartographersMapMarkers NukaWorld.esp=1
Faster Terminal Displays (5x).esp=1
LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp=1
Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp=1
Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp=1
Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp=1

I don't know exactly what is causing it perhaps someone here might have a clue?

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Yeah, it just looks like the load order is all messed up. There are SK builds, settlement keywords & just homemaker builds, with SK you gota follow SK rules. With Homemaker just avoid all the SK and there's tons of mods that will work with Homemaker, it's quite popular after all. Order is important though. Also you need a clean savegame to begin the game on something like this. So get one, or disable everything an run thru the vault till you exit, actually I use a save game right before getting on the vault 111 elevator to go to the wasteland. It's a zero timescale, and the beginning is mostly finished. That can cause problems from the beginning being somewhat complex, of a time. Though, if you don't have mods that will get broken from them attempting to add items while the game begins, instead of when it's time to exit Vault 111, you can actually just start the game with all the mods. Skyrim rules though you would start the game then turn on the mods, and in either case it's a good idea to have a known clean savegame on backup where it won't get lost. After that timescales lower than 5 can cause issues, but some use 0 to build. Not cleaning the mods will cause random crashing, but you don't have to remove the identical to master records as much anymore, I only do that on a last ditch effort to get a stable game, reading mod descriptions an picking good mods that all work well together avoids random crashing more than removing ITM, which can cause more problems, hence why we run a LOOT scan an exit out of it, just to find out if we can remove ITM on certain mods.

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Yeah i might have to just start over and be more careful about what i add. Been doing this for a while now but been out of it for a little bit.

Usually i try to use loot to sort my load order and i know it doesn't always do the best job but it's better than nothing. Is there any type of mod i should avoid overdoing in the future? I know texture mods ( so long as they aren't bugged ) are pretty much always okay. I know it's not always a script heavy type problem so much as it was in skyrim as back then scripts would bring my fps down into the 30's sometimes for no reason.


I always make a clean save with no mods enabled but further down the road when the crashes do start happening i usualy have added so many mods by that time it's hard to just single out one in particular.

I appreciate the help though with all of this.

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Oh it was literally caused from you avoiding the pinned topic I linked. Most of that came from having too many keywords & a poor load order. The way it's displayed though is to cover the bases as a starting point, the load order was important in that, and in my case I had ran into the same problem last year a few times. At any rate it's a good start, not even that much work to fix it, though I'd guess you would have to fix it manually by adjusting the order, see if the game you got now works, and if not go into the clean save. On the side, normally I will install mods very close the the order i want to load it in, makes it a lot less work, but the important thing is to always read the mod description & test mods, cause some of it just gets declined. This one might be a 2-3 month build, but only because it was pretty good at first, I broke it, hotfixed hacked it all up at one, point, then just kept building, fixed two things with it yesterday, and had to delete 6 Gb of save games on that run. It's very stable. We kind of build 10-20 different versions of FO4 modded though. So like over 500 mods now, which was a huge step from getting my feet wet with xEdit merge scripts, now it's xMerge from Skyrim, so I went from about 340 mods in one play, almost 400 in another build, to 500+ mods now that was the most stable FO4 I've seen the last 1.25 years. You know, it's stuff I wanted or needed, for FO4 to be fun. It's dangerous, it's watching TV, listing to the radio, reading comic books, collecting things, crafting things, sex, drugs, rock & roll. I mean it's similar to the old 20Gb builds of FO3, but really, it's way larger, 100Gb of FO4 that actually works all day everyday, it's a real pain actually, cause you finally get there and realize it's just a big giant cookie monster that wants to take up all me time. Actually we're starting to work toward scripting again, so I mean, it's a good hobby & all, but geez, it's like Burger King in this motha fugga, have it your way, right away. LOL

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Pretty easy to miss some of the most fantastic things about FO4 modding, this would have been one, maybe 11 months ago or so. ten-rules-to-get-a-mod-setup-with-a-lot-of-workshop-crafting-mods-to-work/ <----- Wasn't pinned when I saw it, and it's totally in front of our faces, like all the time, we used to do that back in the ole FO3 era, LOL. Pin This! jk jk jk :D
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lmao i hear you, i have modded and had stable then completely broken so many bethesda games over the years it's not even funny. I started with fo3 and then nv then skyrim and now fo4 . I tried oblivion once.... that was a nightmare and still pretty much is to this day even though i kind of prefer it over skyrim in some aspects.


It's never too much of a pain when i break it and have to start over though as i really do enjoy spending my time trying to fix it and see what i can learn in the process.

My biggest problem is i never seem to want to test out what i've done. I always throw a hundred mods at it and hope for the best. This time i will try like another friend of mine said add a few mods run for half an hour and then see what happens. Rinse and repeat haha!


I see you take your modding just as seriously as i do. We do it for fun and we do it because we can! It's a hobby that if we got paid for we'd be millionaires :D

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Can't help it. Fallout & TES are good hobbies. I wouldn't say I take it all that serious. Most of the time I have had to a bunch of work on the game to get it to do what I want or run like I want it too. The process of editing other peoples work, and getting really deep into Gamebyro. Struggling with Creation later with Skyrim. Having this craving for the wasteland, and going around with that itch. Hell, I might have made 150 different install/builds in various ways. Sometimes it would be a complete failure. It's just serious to get that long term serious & stable result. Don't always get anything good in that, but this last one I built for FO4 is spectacular. Maybe I built one FO3 or Skyrim Original that got close, but lot more mods on this FO4. That's crazy, we could make a bunch of different builds for FO3/FNV/SKY/FO4. "Cause the wasteland, never changes" omg I'm famous now. Yes. I think I got spun, and ended up here. Long days, weary nights. But that quote, totally worth it. I'm buying it. Cha Ching!

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