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DLC Problems


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Hey everyone! So I'm having a problem with certain parts of DLC in Skyrim. I doesn't let me change into a vampire lord, it just gets stuck and doesn't let me do anything, and I also can't feed as a vampire despite having the option to. I also have problems with Dragonborn DLC where certain quests won't start such as all Neloth related quests. I think these problems must have something to do with each other.


I've tried playing the game without any mods, but it still doesn't work.


If anyone has any idea what's wrong, please let me know! :)

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Remove all of your mods, start a new game and see how it runs.


If you are still having issues, try reverifying your game cache with Steam.


If all is good, you will have to take a look at your mod load order to see where it went wrong.

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Did you start a brand-new game after doing all of that? If you haven't yet, please do and let us know how it went.


If you did -- that is, disabled all of your mods, reverified game cache, started a completely new game -- and your game is still broken, the only course left to you is to completely reinstall Skyrim as you broke something.

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I think I will give that a go. I'll have to delete it manually instead of leaving steam to do it, otherwise the mod stuff won't delete. Only annoying thing is having to reinstall all the mods, but I'll do it anyway. Will let you know how it goes. Thank you :)

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