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Cheydinhal mages' guilde recommendation


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I'm experiencing a bug during the cheydinhal mages's guilde recommendation.

Unlike the frequently asked question about the disappearing dead body of Vidkun, my problem is du to the fact that Vidkun is not dead. He's standing still in the well, answering to the 'rumors' topic of discussion.

I couldn't steal him, and if an arrow stuck in his butt is enough to kill him and get back the ring, it's also far enough to be excluded from the mages' guilde for having killed a guilde's member...


I'm going to try to bypass this problem with the consol command for adding the ring to my inventory (i saw this tip somewhere... should be able to find it again), but if someone has a better idea, or a reason that would explain this situation and therefore would help to avoid it, i'd be glad to hear him / her !

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From the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the Cheydinhal Recommendation:


On PC, you can fix this problem by entering the console command player.additem 0002E5AC to give your character the ring.

Either this or using Nephenee13's suggestion of 'kill' should work (with Vidkun's refID displayed at the top of the console screen). If you decide to go the add the ring to your inventory route Vidkun's body will disappear in 3 days.

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