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How lighting interacts with this armour... ! Arggh! Help.


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you can try using the vanilla normal map with your custom diffuse map first, see what you get. Unless you changed a lot on the texture like new edges for hight etc it should display correctly.
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How you saved the DDS? DXT1 or DXT5 with alpha? When you open the nif and click on the SHAPEDATA (the one you updated the normals) does NUM UV SETS in the below window say 1 or 4097...change that to 4097 if there is a 1, "HAS NORMALS" should be set to YES.


I used DXT5 with alpha; my male Forsworn armour, on which I've used the same settings, works fine, so conversion is not the problem. The Nifskope settings are also correct.


you can try using the vanilla normal map with your custom diffuse map first, see what you get. Unless you changed a lot on the texture like new edges for hight etc it should display correctly.


That's what I've been doing. I've only been working on the diffuse texture until now. I only started fiddling with normals and meshes in order to try to fix the problem.


I tried the vanilla normal map again, made my own, tried a mix of the two -- the feathers are still not lit properly.


The fault is not with the texture files.

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I just checked the alpha channel from the normal map and this area is damn dark with only minor white highlights - the original feathers were black so it works, just needed grey alpha for highlights.


If you now place a different brighter color and don't lighten up the alpha it will be damn dark when light hits the surface...i guess this is the problem.



Edited by ghosu
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I think I just have no idea how to use nifskope. The Beth thread is now suggesting I'm not using the program like I should. I don't know.


I'll be back in a few minutes with a link to the files.

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Nope, that's not it. (Also, the problem is with the female Forsworn armour.) I made a new normal + specular map, in which the feathers are much better highlighted (by white, in the alpha) and they still show up grey.


Anyway, here are the files, for those who want to help:

forswornarmor.dds http://www.mediafire.com/?ukaiqtrtjdp86rg

forswornarmor_n.dds http://www.mediafire.com/?44i627k1roenevx

forswornarmorf_0.nif http://www.mediafire.com/?bgeymczu2513zji

forswornarmorf_1.nif http://www.mediafire.com/?d47uy8kdr85vf8g


(Files are now deleted. Thanks for downloading, I appreciate the attempts at help. Oh, let me know what you thought of it!)


I'm pretty sure I've messed up the .nif files. I reloaded them into nifskope and the order of things is totally different to what it is in the originals. But, again, the problem -- shadowy feathers -- is there even with the vanilla files.


I'd be overjoyed if someone wants to fix the problem for me and just let me DL the fix. I can't really progress any further on the female Forsworn armour until I sort that shadow. The feathers and necklace are pretty much the only things left to do, apart from a few touch-ups here and there.

Edited by ooofbaer
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