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GECK Not Saving Completely


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To whomever it may concern, I have tried to create a Locker in the starting area of Vault 101 to have a custom loadout when you need to escape. To do this, I load one or two master files, and then about three or four different plugins. Everything load ok and when I am done, I can save properly without errors. However, when I go to the Fallout Mod Manager and check the box next to the mod I have just created, in the place where it says what the needed plugins and master files for the mod are only has the default Fallout 3.esm. I double check the GECK and everything is there and is ok. I start the game and there is nothing there at all. If I close the GECK and then reopen the mod I have just made, it will show that it does not need any of the previous masters or plugins I used to make it and then opens and looks like I did nothing at all (for example, as though I loaded the Fallout 3.esm file only and then without touching anything, clicked on save). Can anyone help me with this? It is a serious hinderence to me. Thank you. Respectfully, Gray Wolf 04 <BR><BR><BR>EDIT:<BR><BR>The saving seems to be working now, thanks to TheDeadHorse (I believe that was his name). However, some things still seem to be missing, such as weapons that are in an .esp file and do not have an .esm file will not remain inside containers and will not appear in the game. Is there a way to fix this? Edited by GrayWolf04
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There is no way to make the GECK save an esp file as a master. The links will simply break.


The game engine doesn't see a problem but GECK refuses to do it.


Basically you can try to fix the situation with Fo3edit but it's more recommended not to use resources from esp files instead, and if you must to do it in an external editor.

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