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Trying to find an old Riverwood Player Home mod


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So a few years back, I downloaded a great Riverwood housing mod that I fell in love with. I've scoured the nexus for it, but can't seem to find it, so I'll describe it here in case anyone might know it:


Its a very small cabin across the street from the tavern. There was a quest attached to getting the key (if I recall correctly). I can't stress how small this cabin was, about the same size as the small inn rooms. Its got pretty high ceilings though, and there is a bookshelf or two and some weapon racks/display cases. I think there was a basement where you could engage in alchemy/enchanting.... I think, I'm not entirely sure on this. I also think there was very a small fishing dock jutting out into the river, again this is an I think, not sure at all.


One random memorable thing was that the cabin had a pretty window design up high, which casted subtle shadows and light rays into the house.


Ringing a bell for anybody? Honestly, if you can recall a small house placed across the street from the tavern, it might be the one.

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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Bless your soul you've found it!


I was searching with Riverwood as a keyword so that explains why I couldn't find anything. Interesting to see how my memory differed from reality, the light shafts coming from a skylight rather than a window. The "fishing dock" just being a modest back porch, among other things. At least I was half right about the basement.


Thank you so much for this!

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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