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Oblivion Console?


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Alright; I'm sure we've all seen this plenty of times, but here's the kicker.


Nothing works.


I turned off UAC controls, I looked for (and had to add) bAllowConsole=1 (Added in the proper section, mind you!), among other things.


I'm using Windows Vista, and here's a bit of background:


Oblivion Console used to work. Then I go away for a few months (Actually got kicked out, but that won't be explained here, as it has no relevance), and surprise! Like the infamous Waldo, my console had disappeared. As I had said, it used to work, but then it stopped.


Looking online for the solutions, I found them all to be too... Complicated. Now, this was several years ago when I never took any risks or even tried getting into the \program files\ folder, for fear of causing my computer much pain.


However, now that I know (for the most part) what I'm doing, I tried these solutions.


After going through the process of locating the IR Receiver that is the fabled bane of Oblivion's console, ta-da! It doesn't even exist.


After looking for (and smacking my head realizing how simple it was to find) and disabling UAC Controls, that didn't change anything.


I went into the shortcut, and at the end, it read Oblivion". So I changed it to Oblivion" -console. Well as it turns out, my computer hates me putting nicknames on things like that.


After hunting in the .ini file, I figured out where bAllowConsole=1 was supposed to go, and I know the 1 = Enabled.


The real kicker? Skyrim works perfectly. I can hit the magical ~ key, and then I can become a dragon, albeit one with a rather odd neck and no flying capabilities.


I also have Halo PC: who's console is enabled by typing -console after "Halo.exe".


So my question to you, the fine folks at Tech Support: What am I missing, and/or, what am I doing wrong? Any and all help is appreciated.


Also, sorry for the wall. This is terribly frustrating, as I'm sure you understand.



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It could be many things. For me the gamebryo engine suddenly changes too lol.

Have you gotten any sort of new peripheral for your computer? Like a keyboard for instance? maybe a new Wintv remote?


Nope. I don't have anything Windows Media Center related on my PC, except for the player, you know, the archaic one that plays music and dvd's. But as far as WinTV or other things go, nope. No new peripherals either. Well, except for the new office lamp, but I doubt that the lamp would have any effect on gameplay, other than potential glare.



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It could be your keyboard. If you have the model send a link. If not then i cant really help you man.


This is the picture of my Keyboard, and this is the info for my keyboard.


Oddly, the page where you're supposed to get info on it doesn't have a picture...


I'm not sure if this is the keyboard that came with the computer, but it's been used since I first got the PC... Which was forever ago.



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try the ring of console mod


or any of the other alternate console mods on the nexus


Alas, that's what I forgot to mention. I knew there was something I was forgetting.


See, I tried Ring of Console, as well as a few others, yet they don't want to work, either. I followed all instructions in the readme.txt's, to no avail.


Starting to think I'm a lost cause.



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try the ring of console mod


or any of the other alternate console mods on the nexus


Alas, that's what I forgot to mention. I knew there was something I was forgetting.


See, I tried Ring of Console, as well as a few others, yet they don't want to work, either. I followed all instructions in the readme.txt's, to no avail.


Starting to think I'm a lost cause.



Yeah sometimes the gamebryo engine simply hates you. Heh. Srry.

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I am amazed that you ever got the console key to work on Windows Vista. I guess you were just lucky for awhile.


Exactly what does the Ring of Console mod do when you try to use it? How far do you get before the malfunction?

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I am amazed that you ever got the console key to work on Windows Vista. I guess you were just lucky for awhile.


Exactly what does the Ring of Console mod do when you try to use it? How far do you get before the malfunction?


Sorry for the late response, was busy.


The Ring of Console, simply put, merely occupies a ring slot on my person. Nothing more, nothing less.


After downloading several times, making sure I had all the files (writing everything down. Pen and paper), and double-checking that I had them, I would run it. Made sure it was in the appropriate \data\ folder, and that its box was checked upon startup, both via shortcut, and opening it from the C: directory.


As far as it's effect, nothing. Which is odd, seeing as how the other mods I have downloaded have all worked, except for ones that allow access to the console.


I'm guessing I'm unusual in this.


Which saddens me :(



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