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Was Skyrim overhyped?


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175 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate Skyrim?

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If this was the first game in the series I might have been floored by the game despite the bugs and delay on the C-kit. However, from previous titles we know what Elder Scrolls can be and what Bethesda is capable of. Skyrim, while a very good game, lacks the immersion and ambiance of past titles. The core mechanics are rock solid, the visuals are fairly good, the animations are better than ever, and it doesn't lack for stuff to do. So it isn't a technical aspect that is missing, but that little extra something that makes the game feel less like a game and more like I have been sucked into another world. I think that something that is what I call, 'Fluff Content'. Those extra characters, buildings, and areas that serve no purpose other than to make the game world feel more lively. With Skyrim we get a high performance engine and shiny coat of paint on a car that lacks character. The game world feels depopulated, the cities feel small, the atmospheric lighting and sense of dread is missing, the factions feel tacked on, magic is impressive visually but lacks the creativity aspect, the story is full of more holes than a sieve (Bethesda couldn't write their way out of a paper bag), and at the end of the day it feels very much like I am playing a game. A good game overall but not what I expected from the Elder Scrolls franchise. It has hints of greatness but feels very much like Bethesda ran out of time before injecting that character into the world. I would have rather waited another 8 months and got another Morrowind than an Elder Scrolls inspired action game/ tech demo.

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Great at first, but the game gets too easy even on expert level as you quickly rank. Hit level 42 just exploring and doing the main guild quests. Big letdown being able to single-flurry Alduin. Not done the war quests yet.

My viewpoint? (though not strictly concluded).. Started with a bang, and has some truly great moments.. But the dragon line concluded with a pffft. Purely down to overpowered enchanting, easy leveling, and too much money.

A good game I have enjoyed, but an experienced RPG player might be disappointed past level 20 based on the hype.

And lets not forget the bugs and graphics issues. No shortage of those here. I gave it a generous 8.


May play again with a harder mod in the future. DLC.. Perhaps.

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Skyrims score over time is a decreasing function. With the previous two TES titles this was not the case. My opinion of those games remained the same even after I had 'played them out'.

Far too high expectations at the outset of the game fed by a grandiose marketing of permanent medial misinformation (the AI is oldfashioned btw, etc., etc.) easily lead to disillusion, hopefully not to frustration.

Edited by DeTomaso
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BTW, without the gamer reviews, I'd might never had played a TES game. This was my first, thanks to the hype.


I think this may be one of the big variables that dictates which way people vote in this poll. Longtime TES gamers will remember how Morrowind essentially took all the best parts of Daggerfall, improved pretty much every mechanic, and revolutionized the concept of "sandbox gaming". Skyrim, by contrast, has streamlined most of the features that made its predecessors great, and plays more like GTA than Daggerfall. Many of us see this as a sign that the genre is in decline, rather than taking off.


Really, Skyrim reminds you of GTA? Seriously? I guess you would know better than me though since I've not played GTA nor Daggerfall. I'm just having trouble taking your word for it. Does that mean you liked GTA? You would recommend it to us who like playing Skyrim?


Should I play Daggerfall? It was a better game so I should be blown away by it, right?

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Oh, that was painful to watch. I just viewed some gameplay of Daggerfall. Uhm, compared to Skyrim, that was hilariously awful. You know, one day years from now, we'll be saying the same about Skyrim, but only because of the new kind of gaming experience that will exist then.
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Oh, that was painful to watch. I just viewed some gameplay of Daggerfall. Uhm, compared to Skyrim, that was hilariously awful. You know, one day years from now, we'll be saying the same about Skyrim, but only because of the new kind of gaming experience that will exist then.


Man.. I was PC gaming when text was all we had. Monochrome text. :biggrin:

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gave it a 7/10. The only reason i can find to play this instead of Oblivion is the Graphics. Guilds are shorter, Vampirism that i love is even worse and when you have Unholy Darkness in Oblivion its kinda hard to adapt back to the mediocre system vanila uses (no power building like blood points or aging, loss of power when feeding, now not even sun damage, the list goes on). But i dont worry too much because in 8 months or so this will be my favorite game, why ? mods.


Bethesda is great at building worlds but they keep trying to push the "mainstream" gameplay in an attempt to win some COD people, they should be adding more to the RP element of the game and dont focus so much on the combat in my humble opinion. Again vampirism is a perfect example of this, they made it "easier" since sunlight doesnt really hurt you (you dont die or take actual damage) and they dont even bother adding some kind of aging system because why complicate it for the mainstream kids ? In morrowind we had clans whats up with those ? banished. I might come out as obsessed with vampires but thats just what i like to do with my character so the flaws are fresh in my mind. Talking about the guilds. The DB was fine in my opinion, shorter but still very interesting. The companions is a joke, they get 4 or 5 "critical path" quests and most of them are boring (go kill werewolf hunters over and over again). The thieves Guild is the best of the ones i played, but again too short, why cant we have quality and quantity when the game was in development for about 4 years, just compare to oblivion, those were nice guild questlines, this just end when you feel you are half way through.


Oh and i second what NAPALM said, the game is less inmersive this time around.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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I just viewed some gameplay of Daggerfall.


How is anyone supposed to take your opinion seriously? I mean, by your own admission, you haven't played the game. What's more, you didn't play it when it came out, so you can't possibly appreciate how groundbreaking and ahead of it's time it truly was. Watching five minutes of youtube footage doesn't count as research.


EDIT: @ next post - Yeah, that sounds about right. A little high in my opinion, but more appropriate than OMFG13/10 like most of the reviews have been claiming.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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BTW, for the people saying that Morrowind was hands-down entirely better than Daggerfall, that's not true at all. Every ES game has been shallower than the last. I love the whole series to death, but don't forget, in Morrowind we lost the ability to climb walls, we lost a freaking country-sized area (even if it was mostly cloned), we lost the ability to choose how to testify in court after being arrested, we lost the ability to have advanced quick travel, with boat options, inn options, speed options, etc, we lost the ability to type in areas on the map to travel to, we lost dual wield (but it's back in Skyrim, finally), we lost naked girls in brothels (lol, mostly kidding), we lost unique deity worship, we lost the gigantic dungeons, and a whole bunch of other features. Morrowind even removed our ability to determine what tone of voice we used when talking to people. (Daggerfall had that. It was cool.)


Daggerfall pwns. That's why I'm waiting for the XL Engine to be more complete.

But despite all its depth, Daggerfall wasn't necessarily as good as Morrowind, and it's debatable if Morrowind is better than Oblivion or Skyrim.

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