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Need help to calculate Offsets... :[


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if you apply a transform to the parent node to a collision mesh, it will apply that same transform to the collision mesh (just like it does with the BSTrisShapes).


If you want to scale a collision mesh, I think you can by applying a scale value (XSCL field) to a placed object reference, but that's the only way I know of that works. I haven't actually done much testing on that method, but there are a number of vanilla references that are scaled that way and don't seem to have bad collision.


Pretty much. Translations and Rotations work on the node the collision is attached to, but scale does not. I didn't know about that workaround so that might work, worth a shot. Worst case though, making a new collision object is pretty easy with 3ds max 2013 and the BGS Fallout 4 Exporter toolset that bethesda released with the CK.

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if you apply a transform to the parent node to a collision mesh, it will apply that same transform to the collision mesh (just like it does with the BSTrisShapes).


If you want to scale a collision mesh, I think you can by applying a scale value (XSCL field) to a placed object reference, but that's the only way I know of that works. I haven't actually done much testing on that method, but there are a number of vanilla references that are scaled that way and don't seem to have bad collision.


Applying a scale value to a placed object? You mean in the CK or resizing it through script when you spawn it? Means this can't be done directly in Nifskope for F04 .nifs?


I'm sure I could do it directly in Nifskope 2.0 Pre-Alpha 1 because I did it for my Skyrim Sleeping Bags mod, resizing the .nif of a Trigger mesh (and I did needed collision to keep it working like a triggerbox) directly in Nifskope. Can't remember exactly how right now - only did this a couple of times following Tamira's instructions - but I'm sure I could find out from notes I took back then.


My trouble with F04 is I don't have 3DS 2013, I'm still running a 2012 version of it which I need to mod Skyrim's meshes.


Can you guys actually render the collision mesh in Nifskope 2.0. Pre-Alpha 6? 'Cause I can't, all I can see is a tiny set of XYZ arrows around the NiNode and that's it - no mesh at all.

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@ a_blind_man


Yeah, thanks, that's what I just did, and indeed it shows that the collision mesh has not been rescaled. I'm almost ready to simply remove collision from the object I'm rescaling since I don't absolutely need collision for it - but I want to try one more thing before I give up... ;)

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OK, my various attempts to rescale Collision mesh by editing directly the scale value in the NiNode of the BhkNPCollisionObject in Nifskope failed miserably... :confused:

What I'm actually editing is the Tire03Hollow static object, trying to put one on top of another and rescaling them roughly to 42% to use it as a furniture model. The furniture will work whether the static model has collision or not, but it still feels like sloppy, unfinished work... Sigh...

Oh, in case anybody's interested, here the link to the Topic where Tamira showed me how to rescale collision meshes for Skyrim:



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I meant there is a field in the Placed Object reference. So you can only do it for something you are placing in the world, not something buildable (at least, as far as I know). You should be able to do it in xEdit just as easily as the CK.


As far as I know, there is no other way to scale the collision of a mesh without completely remaking it (with 3ds max).


For relatively simple collisions, you can always do what people did before Bethesda released the plugin, and find a vanilla object with a collision you can use (either by itself, or in combination with other collisions), for my Red Rocket mod I found a window mesh I used for the glass collision, and someone somehow managed a spiral staircase.

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Yeah as far as I've experienced the collision can only be rotated and moved (and only when under a child node), but not scaled. And I've also had some issues when using the collision object under a child node, so I prefer to always move the collision under the top level NiNode when I create my own collision meshes.

Edited by a_blind_man
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I meant there is a field in the Placed Object reference. So you can only do it for something you are placing in the world, not something buildable (at least, as far as I know). You should be able to do it in xEdit just as easily as the CK.


As far as I know, there is no other way to scale the collision of a mesh without completely remaking it (with 3ds max).


For relatively simple collisions, you can always do what people did before Bethesda released the plugin, and find a vanilla object with a collision you can use (either by itself, or in combination with other collisions), for my Red Rocket mod I found a window mesh I used for the glass collision, and someone somehow managed a spiral staircase.


Thanks Vlits for sharing your experience. Yeah, I used that trick of importing some other object's collision block a lot in my Skyrim mods, the big difference though was that you could edit the collision response and motion system pretty much in any way (almost) that would fit your need and purpose. Maybe it was just pure luck, but I also used ChunkMerge quite a lot in one of my most complex mods (only on fairly simple meshes, I'll admit) and never had any issue with it.


Here I'm working on dynamically placed objects at run-time - not being able to identify the collision response type sort of forces me to do blind test aftet blind test... Since this also goes with fairly complex scripts and I'm discovering that many functions don't work at all like they did in Skyrim, it feels like I'm spending almost as much time testing and debugging as I spend actually designing the mod... :confused:



Yeah as far as I've experienced the collision can only be rotated and moved (and only when under a child node), but not scaled. And I've also had some issues when using the collision object under a child node, so I prefer to always move the collision under the top level NiNode when I create my own collision meshes.


Yeah, that's one thing I tried too, placing the collision object under a child node, that doesn't even render in the CK - doesn't crash though but the object remains invisible in game.



If you want to send me the nif you have so far I'll get the collisions sorted out for you.


Thank you so much for your kind offer, I truly appreciate it. I may do that if I can't find any other way. For the moment, I don't want to waste your time - I just found that after some heavy editing of a few scripts which are intended to work together (editing which, in Skyrim, would have made these scripts cleaner and safer!..), one or several of these new functions (CustomEvent is one) seems to randomly loop forever, thus preventing the scripts to run as smoothly as they did before. I have some serious debugging and testing to do before I can go any further.


But once I get that sorted out, my mod is almost finished - so yeah, I may contact you later if you're still willing to help.


Thanks a bunch to both of you guys!.. Kudos for your time and help :).

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