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yuria of londor armor


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hi i was wondering if there was a mod that added yuria of londors armor set.


im not good at mod makeing and i cant rip assets from games so if anyone know of one or could make it i would love to see it please look at the image for refrants

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Your phrasing is confusing. You know it's illegal to rip off assets without permission but you're still asking someone to do it for you because you do not know how?

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  • 2 weeks later...

To The Evil Blacksmith no i struggle to get the right lighting in a DARK game and i am not in control of the games graphics that image is with the games brightness turned up to max (10/10) because the engine uses 10 levels so please do look before you judge and insult me I'm trying here do you want a mesh location and the scripts for the skeleton it uses too?


everyonne else sorry for my outburst because i dont like it when people have a go at someone their not even going to help.

Edited by 1ieuan
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If you believe i've insulted you then i'm sorry, but i have not. Did you really took that screenshot that is the same you can find on the wiki or did you posted the second image that appears on google?

You want an armor being made, the least you can do is provide proper images of it. Not to help the possible maker, to help YOU, because it makes it more likely someone will take the request. Your request looks really lazy and saying that someone who points that out is insulting you doesn't help at all, putting excuses doesn't either. Not mentioning ripping assets would have been a good idea for example.


As for the matter, there are much better screenshots of that armor even if the game is called Dark Souls. And there's the concept art which is great and pretty much identical to the ingame result.


btw that's the title, not the username. And i'm giving more exposure to your request. Exposure is the key, you can even buy stuff with it.


A bunch of good images of the armor in the spoiler, the concept art looks pretty cool.







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