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Totally fine. HGEC consists only of replacement meshes. There are no "plugins" with any racial settings, so that's why none pop up in your load order. As soon as the NIF files got in place, and there's no wonkyness with Archive Invalidation preventing their use, it will work already.


edit: Ninja'd again :facepalm:

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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To expand a little on the point that DrakeTheDragon raised, make sure you have archive invalidation enabled. On the right side of the OBMM window click the 'Utilities' button and then select 'Archive Invalidation'. In the dialogue that opens make sure that the 'BSA Redirection' radio button is selected (no need to touch any of the other check boxes etc.). Close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM (this last part is important because OBMM doesn't have a 'Save' option ... it doesn't actually make any changes to your game until you close it).
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