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Follower Glitch on PS3, 148hrs in


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Hi this is my first post and I joined just so I could post about this. If you are reading this now thank you for any support you can provide.

As stated I am on a PS3. Lag issues aside I seem to have ran into a big glitch I can't get around. I saved it after coming out of the great dissent quest, name is wrong but it's where you have to return the Lexicon box through the Dremen underground fortress/tunnel system. Anyways I finished the quest and then saved it outside.

When I reloaded next I fast traveled to the place where you join up with the Storm Cloaks. Upon trying to enter the castle there I found that all I was getting was command prompts meant for my follower Aela. If I clicked an NPC it would say attack guard etc. And Aela would decline, then if I clicked anywhere it would just ask her to go here.

Funny part is that after telling her to stop following me it was the same thing only with no voice responses from Aela. It was just a blank click with no response. After parting ways and fast traveling to new location it is still the same glitch! So I cannot talk to anyone now and cannot enter any building as it all just tells her to attack and to wait here. I tried reloading back to original load point but to no avail, glitch still stands.

The last actual non auto save I have is 20 hrs back so it would really suck to have to do that. I guess my only option could be to just kill her and hopefully that should kill the fhking glitch! However I know that would mark me as a murderer, something I would have rather avoided as I play a clean honorable game. Anyways, pretty lame I need to do anything at all. This is a pretty major bug in the game and was brought on seemingly at random. Anyone have any solution for PS3 users or has anyone at least heard of this happening?


Thanks, any help would be great :D

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Wow, down 5 pages in one day. If anybody has heard of this glitch happening and can suggest solution(s), that be be vg news indeed :)

I don't think I've ever heard of this glitch but I don't really know if there is a fix (seen as how your console and this is mainly pc talk) for ps3 beside having to reload 20hrs back .. If you were pc I'd say try ~ kill "refID" then ~ resurrect "refID"

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Wow, down 5 pages in one day. If anybody has heard of this glitch happening and can suggest solution(s), that be be vg news indeed :)

I don't think I've ever heard of this glitch but I don't really know if there is a fix (seen as how your console and this is mainly pc talk) for ps3 beside having to reload 20hrs back .. If you were pc I'd say try ~ kill "refID" then ~ resurrect "refID"


Ya gonna have to try killing Aela and if that doesnt work then instead of restarting 20hrs back i might just start over fresh on the PC, regrettably plopping down the PS3 version and then having to abandon it because of this is most unfortunate. I did enjoy the experience of playing it on my 52in flat screen LG though. And at the time my computer was old and wouldn't handle it, which I've since replaced. Do you know if I could hook my PC up to my LG flatscreen with 1280 ppsi, could be higher though I'm not sure. Thanks :D

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Hey I just want to update this and say that the problem appears to now be rectified! I can now play the Skyrip epic again and after a week long break I'm enjoying it on somewhat renewed level. Since I'm not used to the amazing graphical enhancements and load times and lag and stutter free seamless game play of computers, this game looks and feels amazing to me again. As it truly was when I first started playing and made my first visit to Dragon Bridge. The game does lose some of its enchantment and impending sense of looming endangerment however once you level up enough and gain enough devastating weapons and impenetrable armour to easily brush aside nearly any attacking force but on master it's alright. You can also strip away armour and use worse weapons to make it a further challenge if you so wish.

But I digress. The problem was everywhere I pointed and initiated an action it was acting as if I was giving commands to my follower Aela. Well in an attempt to remedy this I first loaded to previous's, nothing. I then resorted to try killing her, nothing. And then I again loaded to try killing her but this time I was going to do it just outside Whiterun so that when i took my stuff back I would be close to Breeze Home. Well upon fast travelling to Whiterun stables, the curse of this crippling glitch was broken so to speak and everything returned to normal. Looks like I had to trigger the programmings memory enough and work my way out of this bug with multiple opposing command tasks before the game would just work through this unnatural death bug on its own. And for that I am thankful :D... In spite of me having a rough week in poker and losing my bankroll three straight times...I at least I got my game back w/o having to restart 20hrs previous whilst being insecure in the knowledge of whether this was just going to happen again 50hrs down the line?

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