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Console Commands for equipping Follower


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As you might have realized euipping the follower can be a a pain. Sometimes they won't equip crafted or mod items. In my case I want Aela to wear the Triss Armor Retex. She won't equip the boots and gloves though. Is there some commandline to force her? Edited by xyks
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you can try making a batch file that you can use periodically to remove Aela's default gear..


face Aela, go to console, click her w/mouse until her RefID appears, type ' showinventory ',

scroll through the list with your arrow up/dn keys (not the numpad) or your PgUp/PgDn keys and

record the RefID's only of items/quantities Aela is equipped with as her default gear that you want her to get rid of; which,

usually regenerates whenever she enters/leaves a space (probably scripted by design).


now you'll need to make a batch file using the 'removeitem' command listing items you want removed from Aela so she will wear what you gave her.

an example of the batch i use to get rid of certain regenerating items of LYDIA's default gear

(AELA will have different scripted default gear so you'll need to figure out what these are to remove them),

Lydia example as follows:


removeitem 00013951 1

removeitem 00013952 1

removeitem 00013953 1

removeitem 00013955 1

removeitem 0010e2dd 1

removeitem 0010e2de 12


(steel cuffed boots, armor, nordic gauntlets, shield, hunting bow, iron arrows)


i saved this batch file naming it 'l' for lydia (no '.bat' extension!) in the game folder where 'TESV.exe' exists.

now every once in awhile i'll goto console, select Lydia w/mouse and type ' bat l ' to remove all this encumbering default gear and to

make sure she is equipped with the light skimpy peerless legendary shoulderless dragonscale armor/shield,

nightingale boots, & daedric petrifying bow/arrows/vampiric sword i already crafted/gave her.

rings/amulets/necklaces/circlets have not been an issue.


watch the quantities of default gear your follower has, Lydia had 10 hunting bows on her originally; so, you might have some cleaning up to do w/Aela also.

hope this works for you, i'll try to check back on this post to see if you had questions..

Edited by xlcr
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